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Evil party - how to get Edwin!

Contrary to what I usually do in RPG's, I decided to try and assemble an all evil party and not worry about having all the classes present in my group... It's ruff sometimes with no thief and I'm sure I am missing on a lot of items! (Never joining with Hexxat, I cant stand her !)

For now it's me, an evil fighter/cleric and Korgan (that guy is so evil, it's crazy, I was speechless when he told me the story of how he killed/got rid of his old party...) with whom I'm rampaging all over the city !!!

Now I want Edwin, but I have joined Bodhi and I'm presently going against the Shadow Thief and I just found out you need to be related with that guild to get a quest '' Find proof of Mae'var's Treachery'' and meet Edwin... Does that mean it's to late to get him ?!

If so, I may restart my play threw and do it right

The only other member I'm missing with me Viconia



  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Edwin you can still side with Bodhi but you have to get him first, before going to Chapter 3.

    Viconia you can get right after you leave Chateau Irenicus by just going to the Government District.

    BTW Korgan is the one evil NPC that basically none of the paladin types have an issue with because he's "Evil" in the sense that he'll do anything for money but he's not Rampage for the fun of it "Evil" like Dorn.

    If your going pure evil though you will want to get Dorn outside the Radiant Heart.

    Hexxat is ok with all of the Neutral NPCs and a few of the Good ones, I'm kinda enjoying her for my run but she really doesn't bring too much to a fight. Outside of backstabs all she's good for is to be my Carosmyr wielder, but with a THAC0 of somewhere around 5 with Carosmyr she can't hit much with it unless I have someone put on Answerer. However, if I can hit the enemy with Answerer I really don't need the Carosmyr dispel now do I???
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