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What to do after flooding the Cloakwood Mine

Can any one help me please. I have played through to flooding the mine twice now and the game seems to have no way of progressing from here. I have freed the slaves and killed the bag guy.
Baldur's gate and the Bridge remain light grey on my world Map and I just don't know if I am missing a link in the plot but I cant get my self beyond this point.
Do I need to travel to a different area first or exist Cloakwood at a specific point to make the link to BG ?


  • SoragMoppaSoragMoppa Member Posts: 4
    I hope that works. Thank you, dew drenched Elf :-)
  • SoragMoppaSoragMoppa Member Posts: 4
    Sadly the only areas the road past the Arm Inn leads to is the Bandit Camp. I've walked up the road in the Bandit Camp area but it has not given me a new area to enter on the world map when I exit North. :-) any other suggestions would be very much appreciated.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Go north from the FAI to the bridge, you'll have another area in the middle.
    @Sylvus_Moonbow what of he is playing a wizard solo? Brave warriors?
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Errr, I was going to load a visual aid, but it seems my attach file button doesn't show in the iPad section, yeah, go to the top of the FA map and there should be an area you can travel to above it. You can get to the bridge from there.
  • SoragMoppaSoragMoppa Member Posts: 4
    THANK YOU :-)
    Onwards my brave Hawkmen!! let peace be known forever in SoragMoppa's name :-)
  • ReverendBobReverendBob Member Posts: 4
    Why oh why are there no Hawkmen in DnD?

    I need to make a mod introducing Hawkmen as a playable race and "Quarterback for the New York Jets" as a class.
  • greenfishgreenfish Member Posts: 84
    Funny thing, same thing happened to me in the original back in 1998, a few years ago... wait a minute 1998 is ....16 years ago!??!?


    God damn I feel old, sorry for going OT


    Glad it worked out for you OP!

    Enjoy the ride.

    Seriously the game is over 16 years ago... yeah....
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