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Link Charisma to Reputation and Evil Characters

ZenryoZenryo Member Posts: 9
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
I already made a feature request a LOOOONG time ago, where for example recruiting Viconia, would not only result in -2 reputation, but also cap your reputation at 18. I think this is great for (evil) party management, but it would make playing evil a bit too easy as well (you can get dorn and viconia, and never have to worry about going above 16 rep, which is decent enough for an evil character).
This was mainly an idea brought on from a good playthrough with viconia, as slaughtering innocents isn't my idea of reputation management (and the cheesy kick and re-invite trick, I hate it!). And then it hit me, why not make the useless charisma stat more useful for this?

If I create a character with 18 starting charisma, it would lower the complaints of evil characters at high reputation, and with a 19 charisma after the tome completely erradicate this problem?

I still think the cap would be more 'easy', but at least there are ways to get around carrying evil people without having to worry they leave your highly charismatic sexy looking ass. And it would make charisma less of a dump stat (though personally I just love having 18 charisma and be the 'face' character).

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