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Pre-BG2 Archer Solo - Tips/Help Needed

I need some tips for soloing bg2 as an archer, i just beat bg1 solo archer, which was easy as i know the game pretty well, and arrows of detonation are well....arrows of detonation...And am uploading the full video to youtube :D

However i have a few doubts in my mind about how the hell i am going to do anything to certain creatures.

One of my goals is to obtain dragomir's respite for holding, and then store lots of weapons such as staff of fire/wind, etc for summoning monsters, as i will need a distraction, so for that, i am less worried and have that covered. However, i am not really sure what i am going to do about certain enemies...How am i supposed to kill Firkraag/other dragons? I usually need fighters, and most importantly, a mage to use Secret Word + Breach to get rid of his protections. How is it possible to hit him otherwise as a solo archer? How will i beat other things with lots of magical protection that i can't dispel?

Also, can Archer's use scrolls? I don't see why the wouldn't be able to, but in BG1, all scrolls were "red" for me (IE: unusable). Because i can fathom beating certain enemies like kangaxx with that and a sling +5, etc. But im not sure what to do about other enemies who have magical protections that i have no way of dispelling.

Any advice would be vastly appreciated, thanks. (Rules are: Core Rules + vanilla)


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    I think you need a semi-decent INT score to use scrolls, can't remember exactly what it is though, 10-11 or so?
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    You might just have to ride out certain fights where you can't get rid of PfMW et al, 4 rounds isn't *that* long. Run away and make yourself resistant to their attacks. Since you should level quickly, you can get your damage resistance up with Hardiness, Defender of Easthaven, Armour of Faith and Roranach's Horn. Arrows of Dispelling will work for anything without PfMW or some other protection, innate or otherwise. IIRC dragon Stoneskin is bugged to count as a spell rather than combat protection meaning a Rod of Reversal should work.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Secret Word also works on Dragons Stoneskins.
  • apeterssonapetersson Member Posts: 33
    or just equip non-magical arrows for PfMW.
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