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Edwin's quest (Edwina doesn't change back)

mhabijanmhabijan Member Posts: 18
So, he turned himself to Edwina and he is furious. For quite some time now (in-game and real time). Is it possible that he is bugged somehow? Can I somehow check via console when is Degardan supposed to show up. I haven't yet been to Underdark, does it happen when I return?


  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    Degardan should spawn after 12 days (game time). You can also use the CLUA console to spawn him right away with the following command:


    Depending on your choices he may just go away the first time, and you can respawn him a second time with the same CLUA command.

    However, he doesn't show in dungeon areas or in any of the following areas: AR2500 (Elven Temple at Underdark Exit), AR0300 (Docks), AR0400 (Slums), AR0500 (Bridge District), AR0700 (Waukeen's Promenade), AR0900 (Temple District), AR1000 (Government District). I usually just go to the Graveyard (AR800) when it is time for him to spawn.

    Chapter can be 2, 3 or 6.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited January 2014
    but who would want to change him back :)

    anyway 12 game days could take a while in BG2. going from athkatla to the umar hills takes only a day, so unless you are constantly resting a mage or traveling for temples that 12 days could be a while
  • mhabijanmhabijan Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2014
    You were right, had to wait for one more day. I was too anxious to get rid of Edwina. I never rest if I can help it, so it took a long time. Thanks!
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Edwina is the way to go! I almost went with Edwina as my mage over Neera in my all female group but Wild Mage is pretty crazy, even with one less spell than Edwin. Even Edwin can't NRD 8-9 level 9 spells out :) However thats probably asking for a reload...
  • SteezySteezy Member Posts: 11
    I'm having the same issue. Degardan showed up once and left again and now he won't appear again. I'm definitely past 12 days and "C:SetGlobal("DegardanSpawn","GLOBAL",1)" doesn't make him appear either. I tried the CLUA command in the graveyard and in Umar Hills without any results.

    It feels like I'm running constantly into bugs in the Enhanced Edition. It's incredibly frustrating, especially since it's been months since release. Beamdog lost a customers with this shoddy release.
  • MiridorMiridor Member Posts: 92
    Degardan does not show up at all in my game. I've listened to Edwina complain for almost 30 days in the game now. I've tried to CLUA Degardan in in the graveyard but without any luck. Quite frustrating to have the quest go stuck.
  • dorifdorif Member Posts: 16
    I also get this fucking bug. Degardan is not coming !!!

    I type CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("degard") to make him appearing. So I met him and he asks me about edwin. I hope he will come back after again to cahnge Edwin in male appearance.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Erg said:

    Degardan should spawn after 12 days (game time). You can also use the CLUA console to spawn him right away with the following command:


    Depending on your choices he may just go away the first time, and you can respawn him a second time with the same CLUA command.

    However, he doesn't show in dungeon areas or in any of the following areas: AR2500 (Elven Temple at Underdark Exit), AR0300 (Docks), AR0400 (Slums), AR0500 (Bridge District), AR0700 (Waukeen's Promenade), AR0900 (Temple District), AR1000 (Government District). I usually just go to the Graveyard (AR800) when it is time for him to spawn.

    Chapter can be 2, 3 or 6.

    Are you sure about the Slums?

    I know for sure I've fought him in the Copper Coronet (bit of a disaster that was though, lots of collateral damage).
  • dorifdorif Member Posts: 16
    I did set the global degardanspawn to 1 but it doesn't make him to appears. I need to cluaconsole createcreature degard and it's ok now, Edwin is male again.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    dorif said:

    I did set the global degardanspawn to 1 but it doesn't make him to appears. I need to cluaconsole createcreature degard and it's ok now, Edwin is male again.

    Are you setting it to 1 and just waiting? I'm pretty sure he appears when you transition a map (he pops in as soon as you arrive), and usually outdoors.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    As far as I can remember, every time that he's spawned in my games has been during a transition to (or from) somewhere outside Athkatla.
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