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UAI not sure if this is a bug...

I can't remember if UAI used to grant you use of the Golem Manual if you didn't have 16 intellect but it definitely does not any more... Not sure if this is a bug, if it is I guess this should be moved to the bug reports.


  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    No I don't think this is a bug. IIRC items with stat requirements still require the stat to use them. Think of heavy armours and such, you might have the ability to use it but you just aren't strong enough.

    What I do find annoying is that they changed it in the EE so you can't use the unique items of NPCs, how else am I supposed to look stylish?!?
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    That's an awful lot of fine print on "any"...
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Yeah I tried to give the golem manual to Hexxat and that didn't work, oh well... I guess Neera gets it...
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