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NPC choices for an evil cleric/theif

I just finished my BG 1 EE play through with an evil cleric/thief. And I am unsure of what NPCs to take in BG 2 EE.

Mainly I want to leave Neera and Raashad for a future play through so those wont do. I had Dorn and Xan in my play through of the first game, so I'd like to keep them around. This means I have;

PC (cleric/theif)
Xan (Npc mod by Kulyok)

Now, I'd like to take Hexxat if possible, I don't really mind having two thieves. I also want to try the Angelo npc mod as I hear great things about it. that would give me the following party;

Angelo (Npc mod by Sister Vigilante)

And this party is workable, I would have no problem surviving the game with that party. But I fear a silent game, as I don't believe either mod has banters with each other natively, or banters with Enhanced edition NPCs at this point. And I am unsure if I should pass on one of the NPC mods, pass on Hexxat or Dorn, or just pick a Bioware npc for the sixth slot and hope for the best banter wise.

If you are aware of who Dorn and Hexxat banter with a lot, let me know. If I can find a sixth party member who will allow enough banters to satisfy me, I wouldn't need to change my plan much.


(If this is in the wrong section, please forgive me. It is nigh impossible for me to tell if this should be in the mod section of the forums or in this section, or in the challenge/playthrough section. I just made my best guess)


  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Xan and Angelo will have four banters together- three in BG2, one in ToB- if you install the Crossmod Banter Pack from Gibberlings3. It's technically not updated to work for BG2EE, but in practice, it does. Just get a new copy of weidu, name it setup-crossmod or whatever it's actually named, and it should install fine.

    As a note, a lot of the praise for the Angelo mod comes from his romance. He's not the most talkative if you're not running his romance (and if you aren't running his romance, he seems a bit more talkative to a male character). If you're already with Xan or Dorn, you may not be getting the full experience. (Though I still like him fine.)

    You're right that Xan and Angelo have no banters with the BGEE crew at the moment. Hopefully one day they will. :)
  • SuperGnomeSuperGnome Member Posts: 8
    So maybe I should save Angelo for a different play through and run a combination of original NPCs. I could, in that case, go with Haer'Dalis and Korgan.
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