@LordLeviathan: Try enabling the CLUA Console and then using "Ctrl+y" with your cursor over each of the mobs (cursor over mob 1, ctrl+y, Cursor over mob 2, Ctrl+Y, etc.) You can do this at the start of battle while paused when control is returned. This will guarantee there are no spells or effects that are creating issues with the combat. Make sure to do this while paused before any mobs have an ability to do ANYTHING...this ensures there's not an invisible / problem mob running around the arena with a bad script.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SAVED GAME BEFORE THIS FIGHT however, because if CTRL+Y Works, we're going to be asking for one.
If the Ctrl+Y doesn't work to get you past the battle let us know that also...this will likely mean the issue is coming from something prior to the battle (a flag or some such is causing issues)...again this will mean needing a saved game.
It work now.If there is any problem with the save you give me I will tell you.
Also as a side note, the umber hulk battle only work on first time and everytime I do the battle again I got stuck in Arena.I ignore it because it was a minor bug and could do the others battles up until the githyankis.
I've had it occur more than once, usually after using Imprisonment to win the fights.
So I don't know what wrong.
I am open to suggestions, should I do the battle a difference way or choice a different dialogue?
Because at the end of the battle, I am still stuck in the arena with my party and Dennaton don't trigger is winning dialogue.
I just need to solve this bug.
I kill them with combination of time stop, summoning a deva and using Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting on them while the deva hit them.
No death on my side.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A SAVED GAME BEFORE THIS FIGHT however, because if CTRL+Y Works, we're going to be asking for one.
If the Ctrl+Y doesn't work to get you past the battle let us know that also...this will likely mean the issue is coming from something prior to the battle (a flag or some such is causing issues)...again this will mean needing a saved game.
I am using vista so I don't know how it work.
It work now.If there is any problem with the save you give me I will tell you.
Also as a side note, the umber hulk battle only work on first time and everytime I do the battle again I got stuck in Arena.I ignore it because it was a minor bug and could do the others battles up until the githyankis.
That why I use the edited save.