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Dorn's ToB Quest Plot Holes? (Major Spoilers)

Spoilers aplenty ahead.

So I defied the will of the gods. I invaded their angelic realm, desecrated their coveted Sacred Tree, slew devas and paladins by the dozen and then escaped by outwitting a pair of Silver Dragons. I was still high on the rush of it all as Dorn and I made it back to the Prime Material Plane. He even called me "friend." Then it hit me:

Some of Tyr's greatest servants know exactly what I did. What's to stop them / their god from fixing the little changes I made to the book? Was the scribe I killed the *only* being in all the realms who knew that it was Dorn/CharName and not Saemon/Noober who deserve to drown under an unending tide of angry angels?

What's more, if the gods are prohibited from interfering with the whole Bhaalspawn affair, and devas carry out the will of their divine patrons to the letter, why in the nine hells did that angel who ambushed my party in ToB run off and add CharName to the holy hitlist in the first place?

I'm unfamiliar with the whole D&D Setting so I might be missing out on something, but I'm seeing some pretty big plotholes here. Thoughts?


  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I guess it pretty much hinges on Ao forbidding everyone from interfering. In which case why would the Planetar have been able to mess with you?

    Ya, it does have some holes, but it is still freakin' awesome declaring war on heaven.
  • XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
    Dragons never bothered me. Either a bug, or I was too sneaky, coming around them from western part of map.
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