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Sirine's confusion/feeblemind special on-hit ability

Reposting this here as it's pertaining to BG2EE as well.

In the original:
The affected creature would randomly attack back, stand still doing nothing or attack an ally.

The affected creature stands still doing nothing.

Like the original but pausing the game makes the affected creature lose the current status and acquire a new one. E.g. if it was standing still, after pausing it would attack again.

How are confusion and feeblemind supposed to interact?


  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Succubus: If there's already a thread in the BG:EE bugs forum where this is being discussed, can you link that thread to here so we can consolidate discussion to one location while still tracking the bug in both?
  • SmilgeSmilge Member Posts: 104
    Looking at the game files, the Sirine's weapon causes confusion and sets the target's intellegence to 3, as well as putting the icons "confusion" and "feebleminded" on the character's portrait. This is different from the spell "Feeblemind" which causes the "feeblemindedness" effect rather than just a stat drain.

    Confused creatures are supposed to either do nothing, attack a nearby creature, or wander around aimlessly. I wasn't able to reproduce a new effect by pausing, though the creature did move around from standing, running, and attacking quite frequently (as expected). I'm not able to test in BG1 EE, but is it possible that the "do nothing" portion of confusion just happened to be chosen for a longer than normal duration?
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    The BG1EE Sirine's attack causes only the Feeblemind effect, as it overrides the Confusion part of the attack. This, in practice, means that the affected creature does nothing.

    The BG1 version applies confusion and only lowers the intelligence attribute, it does not actually apply the feeblemind effect (because it would override confusion).

    In BG2EE, feeblemind is not applied, and therefore works as in the original, with the exception of the pause bug that I described.

    This is the original version of the Sirine's weapon from BG1 and BG:ToTSC, where the player fights lots of Sirines and the Sirine Queen:

    Oh, can't upload this .itm file.. too bad. :/
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Succubus: I'm still trying to follow the discussion here, excuse me if I sound like a moron. (I actually am, but I try not to while playing moderator on a public forum :) )

    So it sounds like applying confusion and feeblemind at the same time would not be possible were we to apply the same effects (i.e. Applying the confusion EFFECT and the Feeblemind EFFECT would produce only one or the other).

    As such the Siren's are getting around the effect application by stat draining intelligence down to 3 instead of applying Feeblemind...about the same effect yet still allowing confusion to function properly.

    All good here as this all sounds like it works as intended in BG2:EE (BG1:EE would seem, by your report, to have a bug whereby confusion is not being set ... overridden by the feeblemind effect ...).

    Your report here in the BG2:EE forum seems to revolve around the ability to force a confusion action change (Standing Still, Wandering or Attacking Nearby Character) when you pause and resume the game.

    @Smilge has noted he cannot reproduce the action change by pause issue. I could try spawning a Siren in (anyone know the .cre file name?) and getting smacked to see if I can repro this.

    @Succubus: Do you have any mods installed as part of your game installation?
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    Yes, you got everything right. It always applies just the feeblemind effect in BG1EE.

    You can test the pause bug in BG2EE with sirine01.

    They should just copy the sirine1.itm from BG1:TotSC (and if they want to, make it magical like they already did in BG1EE).
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    And no mods installed.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    So I did try this. I cannot get my windows copy of the game to CONSISTENTLY switch actions upon pause.

    I did have one time where Imoen was attacking my main character where she stopped attacking after a pause...but I guess that could have been a coincidence as well.

    I'll try again, but I don't think this is re-producible. @Succubus: Have you been able to do this consistently on your game? Is there a specific place?
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