The Adventures of Innes: Part One Finished. Part Two coming soon!

Hello BG lovers!
Me and @Muttley are looking for people to join us on our weekly adventure.
CURRENTLY: Finished with BG1, will be moving onto BG2. Not currently recruiting.
We aim for moderate roleplaying and a relatively relaxed game pace. We've been communicating over Skype when not in game. In game we just use the written chat.
If you're keen to join us or have any questions, drop me a quick pm or post here and I'll send you my Skype name. Once you know what kind of character you'd like to play, it would also be great if you could post a quick bio on this thread. It doesn't have to be anything extensive, we'll get to know them better during the game!
If you're dropping by to read our tale...I hope you enjoy my version of events!
Elven Swashbuckler
Chaotic Good
"Dear Da,
I hope this letter finds you well-"
She crumpled up the parchment and tossed it into the fire. Too formal. What was she supposed to say, though? It wasn't as if she could talk about exactly what she'd been up to recently. He might suspect the kind of thing she got up to, but he didn't want to read it. Someone across the room was watching her, and she gave the stranger a hard glare until they looked away, then started afresh.
"Dear Da,
How are you? I hope you're well, since I won't be hearing back from you any time soon. I'm still on the move, I've made it to the Sword Coast now. Evereska feels a long way away. I promise I'll come back to visit you, one day.
If you hear from Mother, tell her-"
Dyrellei bit her lip, thinking. Truth was cruel, but she didn't like lying to the man who had raised her as his own. She'd never really talked about what had happened, but maybe her Mother had told him? If he already knew, she couldn't lie. If he didn't know, how could she even begin to broach the subject in a brief letter? Some things were best done face to face.
"-It would be good to see her again. Maybe if she finds herself near Baldur's Gate, she'll be able to track me down. I'll be making a name for myself soon, just you wait!
Anyway, no real news at the moment. I'm still alive, still having fun on my travels, that's all that matters, right? I'll write again next month.
- Dy"
Finished, she folded the letter and sealed it, then returned to her tankard. Her spare hand rested lightly on one of the hilts of her paired swords while her eyes followed the other patrons of the inn. Thinking of Mother put her on edge, and she almost hoped one of those drunken men would saunter over here to bother her, give her an alternative outlet for her anger. If not, several people would leave the inn poorer tonight, no doubt. She was in the mood for mischief.
Me and @Muttley are looking for people to join us on our weekly adventure.
CURRENTLY: Finished with BG1, will be moving onto BG2. Not currently recruiting.
We aim for moderate roleplaying and a relatively relaxed game pace. We've been communicating over Skype when not in game. In game we just use the written chat.
If you're keen to join us or have any questions, drop me a quick pm or post here and I'll send you my Skype name. Once you know what kind of character you'd like to play, it would also be great if you could post a quick bio on this thread. It doesn't have to be anything extensive, we'll get to know them better during the game!
If you're dropping by to read our tale...I hope you enjoy my version of events!
Elven Swashbuckler
Chaotic Good
"Dear Da,
I hope this letter finds you well-"
She crumpled up the parchment and tossed it into the fire. Too formal. What was she supposed to say, though? It wasn't as if she could talk about exactly what she'd been up to recently. He might suspect the kind of thing she got up to, but he didn't want to read it. Someone across the room was watching her, and she gave the stranger a hard glare until they looked away, then started afresh.
"Dear Da,
How are you? I hope you're well, since I won't be hearing back from you any time soon. I'm still on the move, I've made it to the Sword Coast now. Evereska feels a long way away. I promise I'll come back to visit you, one day.
If you hear from Mother, tell her-"
Dyrellei bit her lip, thinking. Truth was cruel, but she didn't like lying to the man who had raised her as his own. She'd never really talked about what had happened, but maybe her Mother had told him? If he already knew, she couldn't lie. If he didn't know, how could she even begin to broach the subject in a brief letter? Some things were best done face to face.
"-It would be good to see her again. Maybe if she finds herself near Baldur's Gate, she'll be able to track me down. I'll be making a name for myself soon, just you wait!
Anyway, no real news at the moment. I'm still alive, still having fun on my travels, that's all that matters, right? I'll write again next month.
- Dy"
Finished, she folded the letter and sealed it, then returned to her tankard. Her spare hand rested lightly on one of the hilts of her paired swords while her eyes followed the other patrons of the inn. Thinking of Mother put her on edge, and she almost hoped one of those drunken men would saunter over here to bother her, give her an alternative outlet for her anger. If not, several people would leave the inn poorer tonight, no doubt. She was in the mood for mischief.
Post edited by Tetraploid on
"Do you have any idea what you have done you blasted fool!" Shouted the head priest. "I umm, I was just bringing you something to eat as you asked master." Eric looked at his feet in shame and embarrassment as he received yet another lecturing. The priest looked down at him and felt a twinge of pity for the poor halfling. It had only been three days since his eager arrival and his announcement he wished to study to become a cleric. "I am afraid that not even I can save you from this mistake young Eric" The priest tells him gravely. "This 'food' as you call it was supposed to be an offering. there is nothing I can do to prevent the Gods passing judgement for defiling an offering." Eric tried to plead with his master "B b but how was I to know. It was set aside and I assumed it was for you." The priest gently placed a hand on Eric's shoulder, "All I can do is send you to Gorion in Candlekeep and hope that you can learn something from him. Until he sees fit you are not to return" Sending the young 'cleric' on his way the priest hopes that the Gods wont forsake Eric permanently and that somehow he can redeem himself.
EDIT: Character Bio - Innes, Bhaalspawn.
Elven Neutral Good Archer
Innes, raised on tales of heroes by his foster father Gorion, has always been keen to earn the care and attention that has been afforded to him and can often be found dilligently assisting the monks of candlekeep with their chores. He considers himself extremely privelaged and shows a remarkable sense of gratitude in turn. And yet, since adolescence, it has been increasingly clear that there is something pulling relentlessly on his every waking thought - a call to adventure that cannot be denied. In dreams, he is often whisked from one of his foster father's tales into the next. Always the hero. Always the victor. Always the survivor, enemies laying motionless at his feet. More recently, the telescopic device he has used to study the stars from his secluded room in the tower has been tilted instead toward the horizon and the veiled lands beyond. One day, he vows that there will be no horizon unfamiliar to his eyes.
Innes is a crack shot with a crossbow - the best in candlekeep certainly - but whilst confident in his abilities he has yet to be tested in true conflict. If his dreams are to be trusted - as increasingly vivid as they have become - then he thinks he will take to it rather quickly should the need arise.
We've been on the lookout for some more BG buddies for a while, our grand adventures arn't so grand with only 2
As for the classes we wanna play, we play mostly anything, but our fave is somekind of mage for Rawesome and a Paladin or Ranger/clerk for me.
I'm called sebelicous on skype, feel free to add me, if we fit your party.
With little more than a hurried instruction to equip himself and leave, the young Elf Innes, ward of the mage Gorion, has found himself on the verge of leaving Candlekeep, his home for many years. However, with rumours of bandits and worse on the road outside their guarded fortress, it was quickly decided that safety would be found in numbers. As luck would have it, many people seemed to be passing through Candlekeep at the time, and Innes was quick to approach those who looked armed and competent.
Matthew, a travelling Paladin, was quick to offer his sword in defence against the Sword Coast's bandits, as was Thorain, a half-elven lover of nature. Close behind with only token reluctance was Dyrellei, a nimble fingered Elf disappointed by Candlekeep's apparent poverty.
Eric, a Halfling who appeared to be some kind of Cleric, had been seeking the sage Gorion for some time only to find him on the verge of leaving, and so joined the group as well.
Belben Graveltoe, a self-professed 'grandmaster of the arcane' who had been lurking around Candlekeep recently, seems ready to travel alongside the group as well, though he has not so much offered his services as claimed the other members of the group as his so-called 'minions'.
Whether such a mismatched group can co-exist peacefully remains to be seen, but the dangers of the Sword Coast may be enough to convince even the more outspoken members of the group to keep their peace.
You said you're doing this every wednesday, yes?
About the bio thing.. Considering what I have in mind a full bio, everyone could read kinda spoil the character. I'd maybe need to know how far exactly you are in the game, so I could think of an "encounter". When and how you meet my character.
P.S. : He's a Fighter/Mage.
Unfortunately, we're already fully booked! If someone drops out for some reason I'll send you a message.
I just finished my "bio".
I'll send you a PM with it.
In case someone drops out, yea, feel free to text me.
Tablet connects to the wi-fi (tick)
Computer... Nope
Well damn you Mr Computer. USB cable plugged into phone equals I win this round.
Fingers crossed it is stable enough for the game tonight.
-------------Part 2-------------
What was supposed to be a simple journey from Candlekeep met with early disaster in the form of an ambush, and the target was clear. Gorion gave his life so that his ward might flee, and the gathered companions were unable to offer any help beyond condolences. Shaken, and with few other immediate options, Innes elected to continue to the Friendly Arm Inn as originally planned.
On the road East, the group were stopped by an old gentleman in red robes. Though he made no attempt to introduce himself, Belben insisted he was a powerful mage, and so Innes treated him politely despite his somewhat unwanted intrusion into his affairs. The second man to stop the group, however, was most certainly a wizard. On the steps of the Friendly Arm Inn, so close to supposed sanctuary, a mage in black attacked the group unprovoked, and once again it seemed Innes was his primary target. The others leaped to his defence, and the battle was short-lived. Surprisingly, the wizard was felled by a well placed blow from the group's least confident member, the halfling Eric.
Matthew found a note on the mage's body alluding to a bounty, and shared the information with Innes alone, perhaps doubting the intentions of their other companions. None the wiser as to the reason behind these attacks, the group made their way into the inn. Gorion's friends, Khalid and Jaheira, were there to meet them, but Innes felt to drag more people into his unknown danger would be unwise, and their offer of help was turned down. The trip to the Friendly Arm was by no means wasted, however. Dyrellei was able to bolster the group's meager funds quite significantly following a brief investigation of the upper floors, while Matthew and Eric found solace in the nearby temple. The halfling had intended to study under Gorion, and had therefore lost the initial focus of his journey, but had agree to stay with the group nonetheless.
A lady living within the Inn's walls stopped the group as they were about to depart, asking for help recovering a lost ring. They gladly obliged, then continued on their way: at Dyrellei's suggestion, they were headed now for Beregost, a larger settlement a short distance south. Apart from the occasional gibberling and Dyrellei's taunts about Thorain's heritage, the journey was uneventful. Beregost itself, however, was another matter.
Having barely set foot in the town, a young mage accosted by Thayvian wizards requested the group's assistance, and they were left with little choice but to agree, since to refuse seemed certain to mean her death. Her gratitude was short lived when they declined to serve as more permanent bodyguards, but it was felt Innes had enough danger in her shadow without inviting the Red Wizards to join in. Injured in the fight, Matthew proposed they rest in the Red Sheaf, a nearby inn.
In what was starting to become some kind of pattern, their entrance to the inn was again impeded, this time by a dwarf. The group dispatched him easily enough, but this time Matthew was unable to keep the bounty notice a secret, and Innes was forced to reveal the nature of these recurrent attacks, though he still insisted he had no clue why anyone would wish him dead so fervently.
While Dyrellei and Thorain exchanged snide remarks over their drinks, Matthew was distracted by a messenger bearing news of a classic damsel-in-distress, a mage held by gnolls to the South. The Paladin was clearly eager to follow up on such a rumor, but ultimately it seems the group will follow Inne's leadership, whether he wishes it or not!
Warning: Bad writing and cheese follows. Will write more at irregular intervals in our adventure.
-- Innes Journal 1 --
This week has been... not a good one. I have decided to keep this journal in the hopes that if something happens to me someone will know of my story. The others are asleep – but how can I sleep after all that has happened?
And how can I sleep on this lice-ridden sack of straw? If you stumble upon these writings out in the wilds then I would advise you spend the night where you are and give the Red Sheaf a very wide berth. The sign reads “Come in and rest...” etc. It should read “Come in and be brutally attacked then try to sleep on a bed the shape of an ogre's face not three feet away from where you nearly died horribly.”
I'm trying to make light of it in the hopes it will bring me some repose. It isn't working.
My companions have been the only reason for my continued survival – of that I am certain. But is it right for me to allow them to follow me into this hell that has become my life of late? My father was murdered as I fled, weeping, not a ten day ago. I miss him dearly and am ashamed at my cowardice. At every turn I am involved in a violent confrontation of some form or another and it would appear that my life expectancy grows exponentially shorter with each passing day (And theirs too if they are to continue journeying with me.)
I am being hunted. By whom and for what reason I do not know but there is a bounty on my head and with each encounter it seems the reward steadily rises.
Matthew has been a godsend. Having a paladin accompany me, advise me, and fighting on my behalf (his martial prowess is far beyond mine own) has been a source of great comfort. He is the only consistently admirable member of our party.
Dyrellei is interesting. Beneath her outward guise of greed and her "easy going attitude towards ownership" I think she genuinely cares about my well being. Or it could just be that she sees gold in her future as a reward for our troubles... or my head.
Sweet Eric seems to want to travel with me regardless as if the fates and his gods have ordained it. I don't think I could get rid of him if I tried, though he does seem susceptible to trickery if it comes to that.
Thorain and Belben have been the quickest to raise their arms in my defense – though their morals leave much to be desired and their motives remain a mystery to me. Regardless, without their eager approach to violence I doubt my continued breathing. I think each of them has done more for me than any of the others in that respect.
The responsibility of their possible deaths at accompanying me ways heavily on my conscience. I am cursed – peril and death both follow in my wake and cloud my future. I could easily sneak off to roam the lands in solitude and avoid attracting attention to myself, but does that make me a hero for preserving these people or a coward?
I do not want to be alone.
There is a knock on my door. I must go. I am so tired.
Looking forward to more stuff.
Half-Elf Skald
Neutral Good
"I've been settled in for too long now. Surely my days aren't meant to be spent at the Red Sheaf. I do get the occasional band of travelers who love to share in company and song, but I can't help but feel that something is lacking. The tales I know are the ones that I grew up with, legends of old that surely everyone has heard of. While these stories are indeed exemplary, a bard can only hone his craft if he takes to the road as well. Maybe one day I'll take off with one of these traveling groups, in search of a great story of my own. A tale of adventure so filled with heroic deeds and acts of valor that we may never be forgotten! Eh, who am I kidding...All there seem to be on the road these days are bandits, nothing heroic to be done about that. If I wish to keep my head, that is. I did see a powerful looking group stop by earlier, maybe I could try catching up with them. With comrades like that, they must have had a noble goal in mind. They seem to know their way around a blade, too. Now where did they say they were headed...?"
-----------Part Three-----------
Beregost had not been kind to them, and it was readily agreed by all to continue South and hopefully outrun these persistent assassins. Agreed by all but Thorain, at least. Incensed by Dyrellei's taunts and willing to tolerate her attitude no more, their verbal sparring turned suddenly violent on Beregost's outskirts. The group came to Dyrellei's aid, and all too soon their party was reduced to five. Shaken, but all the more keen to leave this town that had brought them nothing but bloodshed so far, the group hurried on towards Nashkel.
Beregost's South road seemed more dangerous than the North had been. Rather than the occasional gibberling and xvart, the group were accosted by numerous hobgoblins (thanks to Belben) and a pair of ogrillons, among other things. Travelling was clearly far from safe, for they passed the corpses of a young messenger and later a whole family, mercilessly cut down by similar creatures to those they had faced themselves, no doubt.
Nashkel itself seemed a quiet place to rest, but it seems the party were destined to be attacked on the threshold of every inn in Faerun, for even in this sleepy Southern village a mercenary lay in wait for them. A cleric of evil faith, her spells protected her for some time but eventually the joint efforts of the group brought her down. A note revealed the bounty to have increased in magnitude, and Dyrellei's jokes about the value of Innes' life did little to lift his mood.
After some lengthy discussions with the town's inhabitants, the group finally persevered South-West in search of Matthew's 'damsel in distress'. Reaching the gnoll fortress was a relatively simple task, but the fight through the massed creatures and their bridge guards almost brought them to their knees. Their wounds might have cost them their lives if not for the healing efforts of those gifted with such talents. Matthew, of course, and also Eric to his bizarre surprise, but most unusually Innes himself contributed to the closing of their wounds, despite not being a man of particular faith or magic. With little time to ponder the significance of this sudden ability, the group located the woman - a mage, Dynaheir - and escorted her back to Nashkel and her bodyguard, an unusual fellow named Minsc. Hopefully, he will take better care in future.
Once again, the party finds themselves without a clear direction, but with a plethora of assassins at their heels it is doubtful they will want to stay in Nashkel long.
Dyrellei: Letters Home
"Dear Da,
It's been a while since I last wrote so I thought you'd like to hear my news. I'm travelling with other people again. They're an alright bunch I guess. Better than the last group I travelled with but that's not saying much, is it? One of them's a Paladin but he hasn't tried to kill me yet so I guess that's good. He only objects to my hobbies occasionally. One of them DID try to kill me but that's another story. There's a gnome who is clearly mad but having a mage is handy. There's not many things I can't do but casting spells is one of them. There's a halfing cleric, or something like that, I'm not really sure, and then another Elf. He's an odd one. Pretty harmless, I'd say, but I'm getting the feeling someone wants him dead. He doesn't seem like the sort to make enemies, and he says he doesn't know why anyone would want to kill him, so either he's hiding something really, really well - I am normally sniff out a liar - or there's something a bit unusual going on. Anyway, I smell adventure and profit so I'm sticking around as long as he'll let me.
Like I said before, it's a better group than my last one. We rescued someone yesterday, and didn't even get paid for it. If that's not a noble deed I don't know what is. I hope when she returns home and tells the tale of her brave rescuers she remembers to mention me! Like I always say, I'll be making a name for myself soon enough. Maybe you'll even hear of me back in Evereska.
If this was one of Mother's letters, I guess I'd write about how I took down almost a hundred of the gnolls single-handedly then carried my injured comrades back over my shoulder, right? Well, it wasn't quite like that, I admit. I only killed twenty or so. No doubt the bards' tales will exaggerate for me, so I don't have to!
Anyway, I'm keeping well enough. Got a couple of new scars over the last few weeks but I'm not dead yet. I'll write again soon.
- Dy"
See you all next Wednesday! Malitias will be joining us so we should be back to six.
The first thing you recognize about Malithias is his,
even for an elf, uncommonly pale skin.
On a second look you realize his hands are tied
together by some sort of bracers.
He has a normal physique, but scars across his face
bespeak he has seen some fighting or has a made a
habit of meddling with the wrong people.
He seems confused, nervous or tense. It's difficult to
tell whether he has just seen his own ghost or is a bit
mad, though having your hands tied together tends to
make one tense.
Why they are tied together you can only guess.
-----------Part Four------------
His mission complete, Matthew hurried back to Beregost to attend business there, leaving the group behind for the time being, but their numbers were not depleted for long.
As the Paladin strode off, a pale Elf approached, hands bound and somewhat nervous. He was reluctant to say much of himself, but the group was able to gather that he had been a slave, and that his bindings were magical in nature. The local temple of Helm was able to assist with removing the curse and, after assuring the strange Elf - Malitias - that they did not want him to kill anyone in exchance for the service, it was agreed that he (and his cat familiar, Lina) would come with them to investigate the mines. 'Agreed', in this instance, means that Innes made the decision and the rest of the group went along with it.
Since Nashkel boasted a small carnival, the party dropped by for a visit on their way to the mine. While the poet failed to draw a crowd, the exploding ogre Oopah was an instant hit. Belben was a particular fan, both before and even after said ogre turned him into a rather bloody mess. With Oopah dispatched by Dyrellei, Innes took Belben's bleeding body over his shoulder and they group turned towards the temple once more.
Safely within the temple, under Helm's gaze, it seemed unlikely that here of all places would be witness to what happened next.
As Innes placed the gnome at the feet of the cleric, a strange trance seemed to grip him, and be began to chant, the same line again and again, before collapsing and losing consciousness. His companions were understandably distressed by this change, but especially Eric, who fled the temple in terror. In the chaos as Dyrellei tried to wake Innes, Matthew's return happened quite without ceremony. Almost as suddenly as it had started, Innes altered state ended, and he seemed completely unaware that anything had taken place. As the others tried to describe the scene to him, he even believed they were having a joke at his expense, so unlikely their tale seemed. As the group recovered in the local inn, conversation inevitably turned to the events at the temple for all except the newly raised Belben who, having missed the excitement, was still more interested in the great disappearing ogre. While Dyrellei described the scene to Innes, with Malitias verifying her story, talk between Matthew and Eric turned quickly to Gods. While Eric was convinced the Deities were somehow involved, and Malitias had mentioned a similar episode seen in a man possessed, no one had so far offered any explanation to the words Innes had spoken so repeatedly:
"Chaos will be sown in their footsteps."
With their time at the inn soothing their bodies but not their spirits, the group soon headed back towards the mines. The journey brought them into the path of bandits, slain with the aid of an unusual half-orc, but before long that found themselves deep in the tunnels of what must surely be the source of the region's iron problems. So far, they had found nothing but kobolds and a strange liquid they carried, but certainly there was more to this than met the eye. Only time would tell.
Great session folks, see you all next week! Don't forget to set up Innes' custom portrait