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Tahazzar creature code

Could anyone say which code of Tahazzar? I did quest for him in WK. I returned to his area (for sure I had use console to go AR3012 but with no result), but Tahazzar no longer is exist. Probably it's some kind of bug. Anyway I would like to finish his quest :)


  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    GORTAN1 :)
  • SerpionSerpion Member Posts: 67
    Lathlaer said:

    GORTAN1 :)

    Thanks, but it looks like that quest is broken at all. I had been attacked by new created Tahazzar :(
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    It doesn't really matter. If u killed the Baatezuu, Tahazzar will give u a Scepter gem that u need to escape from the maze. If u kill Tahazzar, he drops the scepter gem anyway.

    I killed both groups anyway cos I was roleplaying a Good party. Death to demons/devils!
  • SerpionSerpion Member Posts: 67

    It doesn't really matter. If u killed the Baatezuu, Tahazzar will give u a Scepter gem that u need to escape from the maze. If u kill Tahazzar, he drops the scepter gem anyway.

    I killed both groups anyway cos I was roleplaying a Good party. Death to demons/devils!

    I would like to get Thief hood ( )

    True sight for the win!!!
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    He doesn't drop that when u kill him? Hmmm... ok. I guess it must be quest reward. No matter, where u get screwed over by a bug, u can easily EEkeeper it in guilt-free.

    Also... just to be clear... u sure u are back at the same place and the Tanar'ri are gone? Retrace ur steps, use the madman's journal for directions. That maze is kinda confusing, there's several places that look very similar, but arent actually the same. I am pretty sure any room leading to the Tanar'ri room is a dead magic zone.
  • SerpionSerpion Member Posts: 67
    edited January 2014

    He doesn't drop that when u kill him? Hmmm... ok. I guess it must be quest reward. No matter, where u get screwed over by a bug, u can easily EEkeeper it in guilt-free.

    Also... just to be clear... u sure u are back at the same place and the Tanar'ri are gone? Retrace ur steps, use the madman's journal for directions. That maze is kinda confusing, there's several places that look very similar, but arent actually the same. I am pretty sure any room leading to the Tanar'ri room is a dead magic zone.

    Serpion said:

    ... I returned to his area (for sure I had use console to go AR3012 but with no result) ...

    Also he should give 20.000 XP per party member :(
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,196
    edited January 2014
    It seems you need to change some global variables before you summon him via console. Try typing command C:SetGlobal("TanEnemy","GLOBAL",0) and/or C:SetGlobal("zGorTan1Job","GLOBAL",1). And then, summon him.
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