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Dorn romance advice (TOB, possible spoilers)

iAmGoatBoyiAmGoatBoy Member Posts: 72
So I'm playing a female berserker/cleric and I've been pursuing the Dorn romance since BG1, I'm now in TOB and...

he's basically demanding that I share my divine power with him. If I reject him, he says we're through, breaking off the romance, although he stays in the group. What happens if I agree to Dorn's suggestion? Does it cost me anything in terms of Bhaal powers (for RP purposes I'm Slayering it up where possible) or give Dorn any additional abilities if I play along with the crazy bastard's lust for power? Does Ur-Gothoz get jealous that his favourite Blackguard is getting power from another being of unimaginable evil? And so on.

would love to hear from someone who's taken this thing through to the end as I can't find an obvious answer on Google.


  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    All of that would be fairly awesome stuff to happen, but none of it does. Dorn's romance could use some fleshing out. =/ All that happens is you agree and he's happy about it.
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Yeah, it's just an RP thing. We were fairly limited in what we could do.
  • iAmGoatBoyiAmGoatBoy Member Posts: 72
    I see... thanks for the help, I'll get back to my pretend orc sex now.
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