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#7432 [CORE] - Triple identical saving throw messages

SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
edited January 2014 in BGII:EE Bugs (v1.2.2030)
The item causing this bug is "ghast1.itm".
The attacked creature is allowed to make a save vs death and a save vs breath weapon.
If both saving throws are successful, the message will be tripled:

Post edited by Illydth on


  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    @Succubus: Go ahead and throw a saved game up here so I can put it in the bug report. This one is going to end up at a "D" bug level at best as it's purely cosmetic.
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    I thought everyone has this bug? I'm not sure how will my specific saved game help.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    I'm sure everyone does have this one. I'm at work right now and don't have access to the game so was just going to use your save to pop a bug up before I left, but no big deal...I can handle it the next time I get on game. :)
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    What could be causing this message spam in the combat log?

    I also noticed that some other items, that have e.g. a save vs spell and save vs death component, never ever show both saves; I tested it with a character with ridiculously good saving throws. So in this case there's no save message spam, but only one save is being shown in the log at a time.
  • SethDavisSethDavis Member Posts: 1,812
    this should fix it. problem comes from the effects being mixed up in the itm file so it alternates between the save types. the code only remembers the last thing it saved against to avoid repeating.
  • SuccubusSuccubus Member Posts: 90
    Thank you. It works. :)
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