*SPOILER* Is it possible to do the majority of Athkatla quest AFTER getting Imoen back?

Would love to see what she has to say about all of them for this playthrough 
Usually do them all before picking her up, but hey, variety is the spice of life

Usually do them all before picking her up, but hey, variety is the spice of life

Because I roleplayed a character who cared a lot about Imoen, I only did 3 or 4 major side quests before rushing off to save her, and did the likes of the Windspear Hills, Shadow Dungeon etc after returning from the Underdark.
The problem RP'ing-wise, is that there never really is a good time to do the side quests, cos u got a crisis at all times, before and after the Underdark.
After that you need your soul back etc...
Still, you can definitely save them to do with her in the party. Keeps her closer in XP, if nothing else.
Alternatively, rushing to spellhold leaves you in a position of needing to gather allies and equipment for the assault on Bodhi and Irenicus, and being soulless doesn't seem to be having THAT much of an impact on your lifespan.
I'm sorry but that's a horrible attitude if you roleplay it with any realism. With metagame knowledge, and thinking about it from a game mechanic point of view, then yes, how quickly you get there doesn't really matter in terms of the outcome.
But roleplaying-wise... You know first hand that Irenicus is merciless and remorseless. You know first hand that he has no qualms about torturing and killing his captives, and you also saw that he kept dryads as (implied) sex slaves. If Charname knew that a young girl was his captive, and cared about her at all, he/she would try everything possible to rescue her asap.
The only justification for hanging around in Chapter 2 with a Good-aligned party is that as far as you know, Imoen was taken in by the Cowled Wizards, which although distressful and upsetting, means that she should be reasonably safe. Thus if your party is Lawful, you'd try to get Imoen released via formal channels. Playing blind, and unaware that there would be no lawful avenue, I attempted to appease the Cowled Wizards, the Athkatla government, the Temple of Helm and the Order of the Radiant Heart. As each option fell through, if the game didn't push me towards the Vampires/Thieves, I planned on deliberately setting off spells in Athkatla to force a confrontation with the Cowled Wizards.
The moment I got the sequence where I knew Irenicus had taken over Spellhold. I dropped everything and rushed to save her asap.
Now, Charname can rush off to pay off the shadow thieves or vampires and and try to rescue Imoen, who may or may not be dead, or he can help the people in front of him who most certainly ARE alive and need his help NOW while also preparing for what will certainly be a difficult battle that he will eventually face, either in rescuing or avenging Imoen.
I don't see why you should have to help anyone who asks anyways, in real life I prioritize my own quests as well. Just send Minsc and Jaheira to go help out the others while you take care of your own thing. I pretend that that's what I did but they couldn't get it done so I have to help them out when I come back from Spellhold.