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Mage Specialist Mod

MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
edited January 2014 in General Modding
I know it is a small issue but I hate how the only benefit to being a specialist mage is that you get 1 bonus spell a lvl and it is the same for all specialists. I would like to mod the Mage Specialities so that they

1)get a bonus spell every level,

2)a plus to their saving throws versus certain types of spells that would start at 1 and increase to 4 or 6,

3)give them a bonus versus there school of spells, and

4)maybe some innate spell abilities as they level up

I feel like this makes up more for the loss of a school of spells and would help to add flavor to each specialist mage similar to what the Wizards Handbook did for 2nd ED D&D.

The problem is I have never created a mod before and I don't know where to start but would like to learn. Can anyone help me out with suggestions or websites or guides to read? I would greatly appreciate it!


  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    Well after a little research into trying to modify the mage kits, I've decided it will be a lot easier to just use beekeeper instead of trying to make a mod for the class. I will have to adjust the extra spells per every level because I want to dual class into a specialist mage and add the saving throw bonus every level, but if anyone else would be interesting in trying to code it I will post the Excel file with all the bonuses and bonus spells for every specialty mage class.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    This topic is discussed from time to time. The main problem of making such mod is that there are no opcodes for save vs. school type, which would allow bonus for specialists to save vs. spells of their school and penalty for enemies. These opcodes have already been requested a long time ago, but when they will be done, if ever, is unknown.

    I partially covered this issue by making an item mod, which adds wizard's staffs to the game. These staffs have powers based on the specialist school of their wielder. If you are interested, you can take a look:
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    edited February 2014
    Pecca said:

    This topic is discussed from time to time. The main problem of making such mod is that there are no opcodes for save vs. school type, which would allow bonus for specialists to save vs. spells of their school and penalty for enemies. These opcodes have already been requested a long time ago, but when they will be done, if ever, is unknown.

    I partially covered this issue by making an item mod, which adds wizard's staffs to the game. These staffs have powers based on the specialist school of their wielder. If you are interested, you can take a look:

    @Pecca I agree, that was one of the problems I was running into and discovered after a lot of forum reading. I then tried to mess with NearInfinity and creating a Weidu and trying to modify some of the spells so they would work more like innate abilities, but then I couldn't figure out how to apply them to the game so they would replace the normal speciality mage kits. Honestly, it unfortunately is all more than I have time to try and figure out right now. So instead I just decided to give myself a bonus to one of my Saves, the extra spell slot, and I did find all the spells I wanted in EEKeeper as innate abilities, so I'll just use that for now. Try things out, see how it goes.

    I did look at your Item Mod and I give you props, it looks cool and I think it will be alot of fun. I'm sure I'll try it out one day. Here is my Excel file if you, or anyone else, is curious of the ideas I had. It is possible that the bonus spells might be overpowering the mage, but I feel like have the bonus spells and increasing Saving Bonuses are more inline with how 2nd Edition D&D was played. So everyone, have a look if you wish, I'm going to try out some of this with EEKeeper and "See what FALLS OUT!"

    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    You can add those spells easily with NearInfinity. First check KITLIST.2DA, there are names of clab files for specialist mages (CLABMA02 - CLABMA09). They aren't within game files, because the game doesn't use them, but if you create them, they will work. So just copy-paste some other clab files and rename them. Then you can give spells to your specialists on level up (by typing GA_SPXXXXX). But if you want to make these spells as innate abilities, you must create them first. For example, if you want to make fireball as innate ability, load SPWI304.SPL, and change spell type from "wizard" to "innate". Then save it with a different name (for example SPWI304X.SPL - with maximum of 8 letters). After that, add GA_SPWI304X in a desired clab file (CLABMA07 is for invoker) at a desired level of the caster (15). Then, when an invoker reaches level 15, he will get an extra fireball once pe day. This spell will not be in a spellbook, but it will be available among his other memorized spells (unless you also change ability location in a spell ability window, from "spell slots" to "innate slots").
  • MythrialusMythrialus Member Posts: 137
    @Pecca Thanks for the suggestions I may look at it again in a little bit and see what I can do. Hopefully I'll be able to let you knOw how things went in a few weeks.
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    edited February 2014

    Is there a clab for the base mage in bgee? The sorcerer?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    @Grammarsalad: I haven't tried it, but they should become active as CLABMA01 and CLABSO01, if you change wildmage's and dragon disciple's clabfile names in kitlist.2da (to for example CLABMA10 and CLABSO02).
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    Good suggestion @pecca. Worth trying. Thanks!
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