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Anomen romance question/help.

This is my first time playing BG2. I don't mind if you need to spoil it a bit to answer my question though.

I got to the point in the relationship where his sister was killed. I let him take revenge because it seemed like that is what he felt he should do and I didn't think I should interfere in his choices. So when we got to Saerks house Anomen proceeds to murder the little girl. I was pretty shocked at his behavior and in the next conversation I told him that I felt he went too far. He said I abandoned him and he hasn't spoken to me since.

Did I ruin/end the romance? I opened EEKeeper and it says Anomen romance active value is 3.


  • TasrayaTasraya Member Posts: 15
    Yes, that choice does end the romance, unfortunately. That particular quest has repercussions that go quite a ways in developing Anomen's character, no matter which choice you take. I might advise loading a save before that last dialogue you had if you'd like to continue the romance.
  • PorcelynPorcelyn Member Posts: 65
    Okay, thanks. If I chose another answer, such as one that supports him killing the family, does the romance stay active?
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 916
    I'm quite sure that you can romance Anomen whether he takes revenge (and eventually becomes CN) or refrains from doing so (and eventually becomes LG). The romance can continue either way Anomen decides.
  • TasrayaTasraya Member Posts: 15
    Yes, the romance can remain active in either situation, but Anomen does like to have your PC's support in whatever he decides to do. Each scenario has its own outcome, but yes, he's available for romance either way. You can always check the AnomenRomanceActive variable in EEKeeper like you mentioned you had in your original post if you're worried. 1 means the romance is budding, 2 means it's committed, but 3 means it's over.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited January 2014
    You have to be very consistent in your advice to Anomen to keep the romance going. If you choose the CN/revenge path,

    he is going to fail his knighthood, get booted out of the Order, and start to go insane. You have to tell him that you're glad he's not in the Order anymore, and that you love him. If you're going to encourage him to be a hot-headed, half-insane vigilante, you have to be that with him and encourage him that way consistently. If you want him to be a lawful good knight of the Order of the Radiant Heart, you have to consistently encourage him toward law, duty, honor, and goodness.

    Also, he kind of demands unconditional support from his lover. He's highly likely to break up with you if you disagree with anything he says or does. He'll forgive you for disagreeing with him maybe two times at most when the romance first starts. If you ever disagree with him after that, he'll shut down the romance on you, as you discovered.

    The first time I played SoA, I also made the same mistake, because I thought his duty to his sister and his father outweighed his duty to the Order. I was also shocked at how horribly things went at the Saerk estate, and I wound up looking up the "right" answers to give him to keep my romance going after that disaster.

    Be aware that you can't win. Whichever way you tell him to go about his sister's murder, it will turn out to be the wrong advice. To keep the romance going, you have to stick very consistently to whichever way you started it.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    What @belgrathmth says is all true... save for when suddenly it isn't.

    You have to play complete supporter to Anomen through all his romance path: IE, if he kills the girl, you have to be all "Well, that's fine! :D" and when he gets kicked out of the order you have to be all "Yeah, who needs the Order anyway, they suck, I love you"... but then he's going to get some word from his dad, and go after him (or Sarek, if you do the Order path) to try and kill him. Then, suddenly, you have to play reasonable voice and be like "No, don't do that!" when the rest of the romance has been about being all "Yes! I agree with all your choices, Anomen!". If Anomen actually kills his dad or Sarek in that romance only confrontation, he'll walk from your party and never be seen again. I think you have to directly tell him you love him, too, to keep him from doing the murder- but if you just tell him you love him, he'll say it's not enough. Argh, Anomen.
  • LesseLesse Member Posts: 81
    ...Oh dear lord, I think my sorceress will go for Rasaad instead >.> lol

    But yeah, I've just gotten to the part of him going to see his father and was all "what do I do?". would I know, its your family :S. I'm just going to guess he's extremely clingy and high maintainence then?
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I believe these options doesn't work in the sister quest, but Anomen is somehow a unique romance with an unique feature, that is the IgnoreAnomen global variation, which means when you just don't want to hear shit from him or is just not in the mod for a romance banter, you can choose the "Not now Anomen" option (that variate from banter to banter in the romance but exist in almost all the romance banters), and the banter will end suddently without him breaking up. Of course you can ignore hin only a set number of times (that i don't know which is), cos if you ignore him too much he will break the romance.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Anomen is the king of male clingyness. He is very dependent on CHARNAME to make decisions for him, perhaps because when he makes decisions for himself, they go horribly. Seriously horribly.
  • PorcelynPorcelyn Member Posts: 65
    Well things have been going well so far on the CN path except after I cured his vampirism all his stuff was gone :( I had pimped him out too.
  • PorcelynPorcelyn Member Posts: 65
    edited January 2014
    I'm in chapter 6 but I still haven't gotten the quest for him to confront his father. Did I miss it? Is there a console code to trigger it? I noticed he had a dialogue box that kept coming up "Who approaches" or something but when I click continue nothing happens.
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