Baldur's Gate E.E. [Multiplayer Crashes] & [Saves]

Two issues:
1: Playing multiplayer with iPad 2 iOS6 with another iPad iOS7 leads to constant crashes whenever saving game.
[The host is iOS6 device who saves.] Save end up in the iOS7 device crashing essentially every time.]
2: Saves.
Really the only game I own that actually allows you to save your game to your harddrive to transfer it to another iPad is Star Wars "The Old Republic".
Interstingly enough, Baldur's gate should be able to do this, [as any game really], for when you go to the "apps" TAB, when iPAd is plugged into iTunes, and scroll down you have "File sharing". [This is how SWTOR works.]
... and there is Baldur's gate icon - though, its WITHOUT the files to save.
This would be great to have fixed.
* I have read about ifunbox, but would rather have an Apple supported technique, which is already built in, utilized. [Security being one of the issues.]
The crashing with saves when mulitplayer is really a turn off to purchasing the new Baldur's Gate... why would it work better? Apparently its an iOS7 thing?
Thank you for your time,
- D
1: Playing multiplayer with iPad 2 iOS6 with another iPad iOS7 leads to constant crashes whenever saving game.
[The host is iOS6 device who saves.] Save end up in the iOS7 device crashing essentially every time.]
2: Saves.
Really the only game I own that actually allows you to save your game to your harddrive to transfer it to another iPad is Star Wars "The Old Republic".
Interstingly enough, Baldur's gate should be able to do this, [as any game really], for when you go to the "apps" TAB, when iPAd is plugged into iTunes, and scroll down you have "File sharing". [This is how SWTOR works.]
... and there is Baldur's gate icon - though, its WITHOUT the files to save.
This would be great to have fixed.
* I have read about ifunbox, but would rather have an Apple supported technique, which is already built in, utilized. [Security being one of the issues.]
The crashing with saves when mulitplayer is really a turn off to purchasing the new Baldur's Gate... why would it work better? Apparently its an iOS7 thing?
Thank you for your time,
- D