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Looking for a group to play with (RP preferred, GMT+1)

MalitiasMalitias Member Posts: 10
edited January 2014 in Multiplayer
Hello there,

as the title says I am looking for a group to play the game with regularly at a specific time (once, twice or maybe even three times a week). My timezone is GMT+1.

I am by now kind of familiar with the game mechanics and played through BG1, but I would like to have a group I can play with and start from scratch or a group that has only recently started.
I don't want to rush through the game, but have a nice character (player) driven experience.

Oh, and in terms of the characer I'd play, I would prefer not to be the Bhaalspawn or the leader. ;)

Edit: If things go nice it would be awesome to play BG1 and BG2 together.
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