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Modding BG2:EE in iPad?

I'm not an expert but... I opened ifun and I found that the game has an override folder. Isn't not it what it needs to do the modding?

Btw, there is no portraits folder in BG2:EE


  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    You are right, it's important in the modding process, but most of the mods require a chande in the dialog.tlk file wich can't be edited in a non jailbreaked iPad.
  • MonoCanallaMonoCanalla Member Posts: 291
    That means some mods can be used without jailbreak, right?

    Btw, how do I import portraits?
  • mi16reisenmi16reisen Member Posts: 10
    I'm trying to figure this out myself. I've been trying to with WinBiff but the problem is that the program crashes if I try to take away a .bmp in the portraits or if I mess around with it too much the extraction corrupts the .bmp files. It probably has something to do with WinBiff being a Window's file and the .key or such being an Apple file?
  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174
    if you mean that bg2ee on the iPad crashes, and you are using a tool to modify the chitin.key file, then try checking to make sure that the tool doesn't mess up the casing of the .bif file names when it edits the .key file. If you mean that the tool itself crashes, then I have no idea, but i think the .key file is the same across platforms.
  • mi16reisenmi16reisen Member Posts: 10
    How do I check if WinBiff messes with the casing? Whenever I try to remove a .bmp file from a .bif it crashes the program. But if I add .bmps with the same file name it'll overwrite it in the portrait.bif, and then I'm able to pop it back into the iPad...but it comes with an error: "Could not compile OpenGL shaders".
  • mi16reisenmi16reisen Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2014
    I could also delete the portrait.bif but once I make a new one in WinBiff instead of data/portraits.bif it becomes data\portrait.bif. How do I change this?
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Using Ifunbox, create a new folder named portraits under library folder. Put the custom portraits you wish to use there. They will show up in-game when you choose 'custom' portraits for your character.

    Modded files (creature, item, area, script) can be put in portraits folder too, they will be overwritten. Basically you can mod everything that does not change in-game text or add new text, dialogue, etc. See my topic on Ipad forum for details.
  • mi16reisenmi16reisen Member Posts: 10
    Hi Lunar, I understand that this is the method for BG:EE, but what about BG2?

    Can I also mod to change all the portraits for NPCS?
  • mi16reisenmi16reisen Member Posts: 10
    Nevermind! I just did it. I was wondering why it didn't work before...and it was because I had the wrong naming!!!!
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