Ideas for a Good aligned party

I'm planning on running a goody-two-shoes party through SOA & TOB next and thought I'd ask for suggestions on party composition. I have a number of PCs I could use for Charname that have been run through BG:EE already.
I've not used Keldorn or Mazzy much, so I'd like to include both of them in the party. Rasaad is also on the list for his quests. This pretty much gives me all the melee I'll need, and I'm wavering on whether Mazzy will stay an archer or get developed into a tank. Also, picking up Wilson or Valygar could be an option instead of one of the above.
Neutral or Good casters are where I'm looking for advice. I'm going to aim for at least 1 divine caster and 2 arcane, and will need someone with some thief-y skills too. Imoen and Jan are out, as I've used them both a lot. Nalia might even enter consideration as a thief if I EEkeeper her a bit for a later dual. No suggestion is too outlandish - I'll even consider Cernd if you have a good enough reason.
Here are the options for Charname: Dwarf F/C, Gnome F/I, Half-Elf F/T, Human Berserker 7->Druid or Human Swashbuckler 10->Mage
Given these options, what party would you choose and why?
I've not used Keldorn or Mazzy much, so I'd like to include both of them in the party. Rasaad is also on the list for his quests. This pretty much gives me all the melee I'll need, and I'm wavering on whether Mazzy will stay an archer or get developed into a tank. Also, picking up Wilson or Valygar could be an option instead of one of the above.
Neutral or Good casters are where I'm looking for advice. I'm going to aim for at least 1 divine caster and 2 arcane, and will need someone with some thief-y skills too. Imoen and Jan are out, as I've used them both a lot. Nalia might even enter consideration as a thief if I EEkeeper her a bit for a later dual. No suggestion is too outlandish - I'll even consider Cernd if you have a good enough reason.
Here are the options for Charname: Dwarf F/C, Gnome F/I, Half-Elf F/T, Human Berserker 7->Druid or Human Swashbuckler 10->Mage
Given these options, what party would you choose and why?
PC(Swash>Mage), Mazzy, Keldorn, Rasad, Aerie, Neera
well pretty simple explanation you get 3 melee specialists potentially with the PC and Aerie joining in if your so inclined you also get 3 arcane casters which is nothing to be sniffed at and a cleric.
Aerie as a C/M is just a superb caster for her versatility, Neera on the other hand is probably the best Arcane Caster for a Non Edwin party not to mention the wild mage kit is loads of fun
Fixed: Mazzy, Keldorn, Rasaad (could sub Valygar for one)
Arcane: Neera or Nalia
Divine: Anomen or Aerie
Theiving: charname
So the question is what type of thief.
Swash -> Mage - If you want a mage with just enough thieving pick this (lvl 10 for bonuses).
Thief -> Mage - If you want a mage who can invisible back stab pick this (lvl 9 = x4 backstab).
Thief/Mage - You'll be less mage but have thief HLA traps
Fighter/Thief - You're a backstabbing, whirlwinding machine that can wield anything.
Kensai -> Thief - Your back stabs are legendary, but it's a tougher road.
Fighter/Mage/Thief -> You'll level slowly but you can do anything.
Aerie could be swapped for Anomen, optionally. That gives you Divine spells and more melee muscle dual-wielding Flail of Ages and either Crom Faeyr or (preferably in my opinion) Defender of Easthaven. If PC duals to mage, you've still got your "two arcane, one divine" spell slots. It depends really whether you want to be more magic or melee heavy. Personally, I'd rather have an extra tank than a third mage, especially for the early game when Rasaad is still struggling (around level 12 he gets much better), but that's just me.
PC: F/T multi, dual wielder
This should give me quite a few options and cover the requisite bases for thieving, melee and casting.
You don't need 18 int to learn mage HLA spells, right? Just to scribe level 9 spells?
Anyway, when I'm done with ToB, I am also going to get a good party and try the remaining EE content. Will take Rasaad, Neera and even Wilson. I'll also be using Mazzy and Anomen, I think, which means I'll be playing some kind of thief... again
Edwin makes you quite spoiled, I guess. I'm sure I will be thinking "where are all my spell slots" when I grab any of the other mages again. But maybe, just maybe, my mage won't constantly be plotting to kill me or complain when we get a store discount.