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ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
edited January 2014 in Off-Topic
I am insanely intimidated by the sheer size of these forums!

Which means there are tons of BG fans and players still out there, which is awesome. I just wanted to say, dayumn, this place is humming!
Post edited by Jalily on


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Not bad for a 16 year old game to still be getting new fans in addition to keeping so many old ones huh?
  • ZaknafeinBaenreZaknafeinBaenre Member Posts: 349
    Truly. I'm reading Sundering Book 1 at the moment. Drizzt lives! (no matter how many times I kill him and conquer the world with his gear).
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    We've got quite the thriving community here, it's true. And as @Silverstar indicates, not bad for a 16 year old game. I kind of hope that it never ends and that we eventually get more games in this vein.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited January 2014

    We've got quite the thriving community here, it's true. And as @Silverstar indicates, not bad for a 16 year old game. I kind of hope that it never ends and that we eventually get more games in this vein.

    It would be kind of nice if they were to move that Bhaal symbol up at the top just over to the right a bit and put in its place a "Baldur's Gate 3" logo. :)

    Edit: I mean after the work out the bugs that are still present with the first two enhanced editions.
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