Imported character proficiencies

Spent the last year creating two bgee characters to play through the saga. Finally got bg2 (iPad) and when I import my character....they are stuck with their bg1 proficiencies. For whatever reason my dumb ass thought you got to edit those at the beginning of the second game. Any ideas how to adjust those prof's for bg2?
If you want, you can upload the files in a zip and I can edit them for you
For editing use EEKeeper
I'm seriously no computer guru myself, but I figured it out. Its more intuitive than you might think.
Don't worry about opening folders, that won't hurt anything. You're looking for "save", then all of your various saves will be sub-folders within. So inside save you should see the various save names you've used to save your game. Just take that whole folder and move it to your PC (I also have BGEE on my PC, so I put it in the PC's save folder). Then when you open EEKeeper there is a tab for installation directory. This will let you point EEKeeper to exactly where you put the save folder on your PC. The onscreen prompts should also be helpful.
on where the folders are.
How messed up are your proficiencies anyway to go to so much trouble? You'll get a lot more in BG2 and most NPCs are sub-optimal so you get used to developping towards the setup you want.