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Keeping equipment from BGEE

Does anyone know how to keep your equipment from BGEE into BG2EE Shadows of Amn? The old way of pausing before you get tortured and dropping your equipment doesn't seem to work.


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited January 2014
    That exploit has been removed. Only very selective equipment can transfer over. (the items listed here can be transferred over along with the Golden Pantaloons)
  • RaltarRaltar Member Posts: 35
    The easiest way would be to EE Keeper in the items you wanted to keep.
  • aldwindonaldoaldwindonaldo Member Posts: 2
    I'll have to try that EE Keeper. Thanks.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I don't really see the point. Not only does it make no little sense RP-wise... but u quickly find much better gear in BG 2 anyway.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903

    I don't really see the point. Not only does it make no little sense RP-wise... but u quickly find much better gear in BG 2 anyway.

    I agree that it makes little sense RP-wise, and advise against it.

    However, the reason why I advise against it is that there are some items from BGEE that, if gained right away, can make the early part of BG2EE too easy. I have in mind the boots of speed in particular, as well as Drizzt's equipment, the Robes of the Archmagi, the Dagger of Venom, and a few other things of similar power.

    A while ago I used the old 'cheat' to import a number of items from BG into BG2, and it made SoA rather less challenging and thus much less fun.

  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    The one big addition in my mind is arrows of detonation since you can get all of the others early in SOA if you want
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    Play the game in multiplayer, when you import your characters in AFTER the very start of the game (so make sure you're out of the cage) they'll have all their equipment.

    Some stuff doesn't exist in BG2 though, or at least it didn't. I remember that the golden plate from Durlag's tower had no equivalent and crashed the game when I wore it.

    That said I haven't done this since BG2 was new, so maybe it doesn't work any more.
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