Circus Tent Help

Hi all I need some help in the final room I keep being wiped out, what should I do to defeat Kalah?
I just escaped from the cells am I attempting this too early?
I seem to be trapped in this tent..
I just escaped from the cells am I attempting this too early?
I seem to be trapped in this tent..
Will keep trying..
And just in case you haven't been doing it, haste on the party helps immensely.
Seriously, I find it best to ignore all monsters except the ones carrying Arie's "key", buffing to the max where the pleasure slave is, just stopping long enough in the middle room (before Kalah) to collect the scrolls in the containers there, before rushing in to pummel Kalah to quick death.
True Sight should dispel illusion (the werewolf are illusionary).
A thief with a high "detect illusion" should dispel werewolves when "detecting traps".
You can summon some creatures and use them as bait, while your party use ranged weapon.
Use buff like protection from evil, defensive harmony, speed etc.
It should not be impossible.
In the upper level aim only kalah with ranged weapon and magic missile, he should die in one or two round and the battle is over.
Are you playing on an ipad?
Ah, parallel discussion on probably the same topic is going on in the bugs section. I have to say I am pretty disappointed that the bug made it into the release even though it was found in beta weeks ago.
@Dee It seems you guys are focussing on the android release but please try to fix this and other bugs first (esp. on ipad where you can't do the workarounds like on a pc with the console). Short term it won't give you additional cash flow like a new platform but not fixing this makes the game really inaccessible to new players who will most likely pick up the ipad version. And unhappy players will hurt you more long term...
They are a small operation but I think they are (over)stretched to support and develop 2 games on 4 platforms and it shows. Of course I want them to be successful and they need cashflow but the bugfixing progress is definetely below my expectations. Note: my wife used to work several years in software QA in a small company.
@LiamEsler any ETAs on the next patches? Especially for this important ipad one?
Think I'll go back to BG1 till the next patch on BG2