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Summon Elemental

MonoCanallaMonoCanalla Member Posts: 291
Is there any point in summoning any other than Fire Elemental? This one seems more practical, unless you face foes with fire resistance.

For example, I combated early in the game an Iron Golem, and the only thing I could do was to summon three fire elementals. The earth elemental cualdn't harm it, and the wind elemental was too weak.


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Air elementals have whirlwind which unlike fighters whirlwind it damages / kills enemies with low hit dice (I think) around them. Good for trash.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    The earth elemental prince is the strongest one I think...
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Earthies do more damage but they have manouverability problems due to their larger size. Mine got stuck in doors etc quite a few times on my last avenger run. I'd say fire is the best but I always had one or two memorized.
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    If the OP is referring to MAGES summoning elementals, the answer I would give is 'none of them are very good'. Can't be used in combat without paralyzing your mage, random chance of the summon turning on you, plenty of better options if you like summoning stuff. Weapons for those pesky iron golems will come in time, have faith.

    Druids, now... Druids with fire elementals can make the early game much simpler.
  • MonoCanallaMonoCanalla Member Posts: 291
    My character is a blade and I summon elementals with Edwin. My Jahiera, who at this point can actually do it too, will be replaced by Haer Dalis soon. so, yeah, Mage spell.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Playing extensively a druid, I can say this:

    1. Fire elemental is very good for a 6th level spell. Don't forget that he hits as +4 weapon (which is more than Princes which is silly)
    2. Earth Elemental is pointless — has the same dice chance and is a waste of 7th level slot. Druids have much better choices there.
    3. Princes rate, in my book: 1. Sunnis (by far) 2. Chan and 3. Zaaman Rul. Just be careful with Chan.

    With a bit of luck and Improved Haste, Sunnis can solo a dragon in Core difficulty (if you get rid of this annoying dragon's stoneskin for him).
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741

    My character is a blade and I summon elementals with Edwin. My Jahiera, who at this point can actually do it too, will be replaced by Haer Dalis soon. so, yeah, Mage spell.

    Don't use the Mage elemental summons, they suck. Use Animate Dead with a mage instead. Only druid elemental summons are worth using.

  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Ideally have your cleric cast Animate Dead as it's only a level 3 spell for them. Anomen, Viconia or a pure/dualled cleric CHARNAME are all good candidates to get to level 15 cleric early. They are still a bloody good summon for Mages, Sorcerers or Bards though.

    Oddly mages aren't the best summoners apart from at higher levels - Planetars and Skelly Warriors are awesome. At lower levels Druid summons like Call Woodland Beings or the aforementioned Fire Elemental are better choices.
  • MonoCanallaMonoCanalla Member Posts: 291
    Woodland Being is that good? I havent used for ages.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2014
    IMHO Woodland Being is good just for a moment. The nicest quality of the nymph is that she can grant you access to some 5th level spells before you reach required level.
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    Even after you get 5th level spells yourself it is still pretty good as a fourth-level slot. Not like you have a huge list of better options there as a Druid, right?
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Yeah I just stock up on a bunch for after fight heals etc...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316

    Woodland Being is that good? I havent used for ages.

    Its alright. It would be better if you could turn off its AI though because as it stands now thats holding back the summons potential (since it starts doing its own thing).
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    elminster said:

    Its alright. It would be better if you could turn off its AI though because as it stands now thats holding back the summons potential (since it starts doing its own thing).

    At least it isn't rampagingly stupid most (emphasis: MOST) of the time. At the very least it will rarely make things worse. At best...fuck, my Nymph beat Sarevok on my last EE run. I didn't even know Hold Monster WORKED on him.

  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Mage elementals are totally pointless. It is like casting a cc spell on urself, and summoning an okay creature who has a chance to turn against u. Druids can make the same summon but without the drawbacks.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Moczo said:

    elminster said:

    Its alright. It would be better if you could turn off its AI though because as it stands now thats holding back the summons potential (since it starts doing its own thing).

    At least it isn't rampagingly stupid most (emphasis: MOST) of the time. At the very least it will rarely make things worse. At best...fuck, my Nymph beat Sarevok on my last EE run. I didn't even know Hold Monster WORKED on him.

    Hold monster works on a lot of things, including humanoids.
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    I know it works on normal humanoids, but Sarevok is so... Sarevokky. I'm just used to him shrugging off everything while I run around trying to chip him away!
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    I would agree that summoning an elemental as a mage is totally pointless, but when it comes to the princes I think Chan (the Air prince) is by far the best because he always has globe of blades on him.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    I really like summoning spiders with my mages... Could be because I like abusing Webs though.
    I agree that elementals are a comparatively poor choice for mages, but good for Druids.
    Animate Dead is by far my favorite pre-Planetar/Deva summons though.
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