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I can confirm that in BG2:ToB (non-EE) stats roller that the 1000 rerolls = perfect 18s is false.

StevenAusStevenAus Member Posts: 8
edited January 2014 in New Members Welcome Area
I tested three times, two with an Elven Sorcerer (however you spell it =)) where I wasn't exactly sure where the 1000 would come, but still pretty close. Just to make sure it didn't work only in the case of a human character with normal stats, I did a tally with a Human Sorcerer, 1 mark for every 10 clicks, and when I got close to 1000, I slowed down. I can confirm that it is only a rumor. I am 100% certain that it does not exist in BG2:ToB stats roller, and thus probably doesn't exist in BG1, TOTC, or BG2:SoA roller either (or in the EEs).

I think it would be fair to get a perfect 18x6 stat count (and 18/00 or higher if appropriate class or half-orc race) if someone wanted to click 1000 times (or 999 or whatever). Especially if you are starting in BG1, you still need to play well to not die early on - you are not godly quite yet.

Can you sticky this somewhere? Otherwise, I'll refer to it every now and then.


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    I don't think this needs to be stickied. I've never even heard of this rumor before now.
  • StevenAusStevenAus Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2014
    That's fine. But I can confirm that it is definitely a false rumor. =)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I'm not sure where this even came from. For a single stat, there are 216 total possibilities for the three dice, only one of which gives 18 (same for an imperfect 3, by the way). The odds are skewed toward mid-range rolls (there are more combinations to get these). For instance, a 6 could be rolled by 1-1-4, 1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-2-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-2-1 and 3-1-2. Therefore, one has an 8/216 (or 1 in 27) chance to roll a 6.

    To roll all 18's, one would need to roll eighteen sixes in a row, or one out of the 101,559,956,668,416. A hundred trillion to one... not good odds, and somewhat less likely than one in a thousand...
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Haha, yes I think it's like winning the lottery :) !
  • Dragonfolk2000Dragonfolk2000 Member Posts: 390
    I cannot remember the game but there was another game out there where you would roll your starting stats. If you rerolled 100 times the game would give you a set of perfect stats. That's probably what inspired this rumor.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    edited January 2014
    This is a rumour no-one else has heard, so you've wasted your time a bit. Mathematically you would have to roll millions (if not billions) of times to statistically get this.
  • StevenAusStevenAus Member Posts: 8
    No, I was checking if there was some special code that set the stats to maximum around 1000 rerolls. But there definitely isn't.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    it was 1,001. You missed your chance.

    Sorry bro :(
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    What made you think there would be such code? And why would it be set to 1000 rolls? Do you have some basis for your test or was it a rumour you heard somewhere?
  • TwoWayFinesseTwoWayFinesse Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2014
    I think Temple of Elemental Evil had the 'roll so many times and you get all 18's'
    However I may be remembering the wrong rumour. :)

    But don't you get perfect 18's if you Ctrl-8 on the rollup screen anyway. 18/00 strength as well so shows up @CrevsDaak for a wimp!!!! :)

  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072

    I think Temple of Elemental Evil had the 'roll so many times and you get all 18's'
    However I may be remembering the wrong rumour. :)

    Rumours l,like that are always false. ToEE does have a way of abusing the character generation UI (The game let's you choose between Point Buy and dice rolling) to get all 18 stats as by using your rolled stats together with the ones you get from the point buy option. You can also enter and re-enter the point buy screen and get 25 new points to spend forever. I know, I've cheated like this myself. OP characters HOOO
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2014
    @TwoWayFinesse you do get a perfect roll if you use CTRL+8 (all 18s and 18/100 STR). That was a legal roll, no cheats, just to spoil the OP because I did not rerolled more than 30 times.
  • StevenAusStevenAus Member Posts: 8
    Wow, that's even better! =) So has the Ctrl-8 been there all along? Bioware must have really wanted people to start with a perfect 18x6. Sure beats clicking reroll 1000 times.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @CrevsDaak are you serious? What class did you choose before rolling?

    And isn't it funny that the % STR bonus happens to be the answer to life, the universe and everything?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited January 2014
    @Kilivitz Ranger/Cleric, why? It was a CRTL+8 with another Photoshop layer with a 18/42 over STR and a little of pixels deleted, it was a joke for the OP :P.
    But I do got a roll around 100 once, with a Jester, glorious day, anyway Shank nearly killed her and Tarnesh DID kill her, she wasn't SO lucky after all, I still have her ToB version I think.
    EDIT: I wasn't serious, I have the Ranger/Cleric I used for that picture, he is no supernatural Bhaalspawn, he was made to be turned into a CRE for a mod.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @CrevsDaak that's what I suspected! Nice choice on the number.

    I've never rolled over 97 and I still have that character saved. Too bad it's for the original BG1.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Kilivitz CHR files are compatible, if you find a way to extract it :P
    I did not choice the number, it was the second thing I rolled after the CTRL+8.
    My bests PCs had like 89 maximum I think. Or 93, I don't know.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @CrevsDaak are you sure they are compatible? I once tried to import a BG1 .CHR into BG:EE and it crashed the game.

    I guess if BG2 characters are compatible with BG2:EE (due to the engine versions being similar) I could try the longer road.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Kilivitz I think that what caused the crash were the proficiencies, if you edit that character with Near Infinity you could reassign them (I can do so if you wish).
    BG2 characters are completely compatible, I used by BG:EE PC in BG2:ToB and then used him in BG:EE to exploit everything, just the BG1 proficiencies cause trouble with the new engine.
  • da_muffn_manda_muffn_man Member Posts: 2
    In TOEE you have to click 100,000 (yes, one-hundred thousand) times, and it give you all 18s
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    @CrevsDaak aah so it takes a little tweaking. Thanks for the info! And for offering help.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @Kilivitz your welcome :)
  • StevenAusStevenAus Member Posts: 8
    Well, I never knew it would be so easy to get perfect 18x6. But it doesn't really help in BG1 much, you start off as a weak L1 no matter what your stats are. ;-)
  • riTk0MAriTk0MA Member Posts: 8
    I can confirm, however, that it is possible to roll a 104 in BG1EE in under 100 re-rolls. I'm not sure if I ever kept the BG1EE Level 1 save file, though.
  • FuRYFuRY Member Posts: 21
    I'm just curious here but did this rumour start when someone (player A) noticed a fellow gamer (player B) as having 18s on everything? If I saw that and was told it's legit since it happens every X amount of rolls, I'd feel as if said player would also urinate on my head and tell me it's raining.

    Plus if you're going to do that and it was proven to be true, you'd save alot of time by just changing the stats with an editor or the Debug Mode's Ctrl + 8. I myself would think someone was telling porkies about it regardless but it's nice to know there are myth busters out there to ensure people are caught in a web of lies.

    That said, if they want 18s on everything good luck to them, personally I'd prefer 25s. Aslong as they aren't changing legitimate hit points or adding great gear to level ones.
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