Should I Get My Old BG Discs Out And Play?

I've been testing the beta on Android and while it is great to be able to play it on my tablet only having access to the prologue is just too much of a tease! I wanted to get playing properly so I've installed the original again on my PC. I completed the prologue but now I'm thinking I'll be retracing my steps when I finally get to play fully on my tablet.
I liked the feeling of discovery when I first played, exploring all the areas and it's been so long since I played a lot of the game will feel new playing it now. But if I play on PC that new feeling won't exist till I pass wherever I had got to. I think that will ruin my experience of the Android version a bit.
I should probably just wait (after all I've been waiting for the Android release for a year and a half or so, what's a little longer?); I'm suspecting we will be seeing the release late Feb/March now (though that is based on nothing but my own feeling of the devs progress on the Android release).
Is there anyone here who is playing on other platforms while they wait?
I liked the feeling of discovery when I first played, exploring all the areas and it's been so long since I played a lot of the game will feel new playing it now. But if I play on PC that new feeling won't exist till I pass wherever I had got to. I think that will ruin my experience of the Android version a bit.
I should probably just wait (after all I've been waiting for the Android release for a year and a half or so, what's a little longer?); I'm suspecting we will be seeing the release late Feb/March now (though that is based on nothing but my own feeling of the devs progress on the Android release).
Is there anyone here who is playing on other platforms while they wait?
The game plays so well on a tablet, its almost like it was built for them.
Won't be long to beta 3.
I played the EE on pc when it came out, but I am not doing another playthrough until the Android version is out
The concept of SR kinda reminds me of Arcanum, just set in a different time period. Anyone else played that one?
If you are into custom mods and user created modules, buy it for PC. There are actually a lot of good user created quests that I've played. Harebrained Schemes mentioned that they may port some of these to IOS/android eventually. I actually played the PC version on my tablet via Splashtop for awhile and it worked fine. The user interface is a bit better if you buy the Android version which I eventually did.
Fallout 1/2 would keep me going a lot longer though, someone should port them to android!