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Help with final ToB boss as solo [Spoilers!]

RanSagyRanSagy Member Posts: 13
So, I've decided after a while to try a solo game. I picked a dualed Kensai(13)/Thief(39) combo because i wanted nice melee skills and the backstabs/HIS of the thief, as well as UAI as the HLA of choice. SoA was.. laughable this way.

Seems i was dead wrong when it comes to ToB though. Basically, i had to cheese most bosses with a spike trap or two (Demogorgon, Draconis, Abazigal, etc.).

Killed The Ravager with preparing a Simulacrum and summoning my Juggernaut Golem and a Mordekainen's Sword. All of us beating on him got him down quickly, esp. since he concentrated on the sword; which take none of his damage.

Anyway.. To the point: I've tried the first stage of the Mellisan fight several times and i either get decimated quickly, or just duck endlessly and try hitting her again (which at a certain point just means replenishing her Stoneskin).

I have pretty much all upgraded weapons, armors, rings, amulets etc. My HLAs are mostly Greater Evasion and Spike Trap.
Sadly, You can't really prepare much for Mellisan. I'm able to plant one spike before she initiates dialog and becomes hostile; and you can't get out of sight long enough to plant more (and the endless spawns would trigger those anyway). Same for the MordySwords and Juggernaut; they get insta-killed either by Death spell or 'Taint of Bhaal' that Mellisan can throw.

I'm disappointed, out of ideas and frustrated. Any suggestions that don't include "GWW!" or "zero-cast-time-twinked-mage!" will be appreciated ;)


  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    what's the major problem, are you overhwelmed with physical attacks?
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Try buffing yourself before exiting the Abyss Plane. You can get some scrolls at Amektran like stoneskin, protection from energy, protection from magical weapons/absolute immunity, improved haste. Wearing that Big Metal Unit armor helps if you have it.

    Do you have the Carosymr or arrows of dispelling? Both dispel all protection on hit. This should get rid all her protection except when she has protection against magical weapon.

    You can start setting spike trap on the next 3 encounters.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2014
    Kenthief with specialization in quarterstaffs for melee dispelling and Ram-backstabs are a good option. Do you still have the staff of Magi?
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Yeah I would use staff of the magi cheese by invising after each hit and also pfmw pfme spell immunity and timestop scrolls.

    Also have a wish scroll and potion of insight handy to replenish hlas.

    A weapon with magic damage like club of detonation might also help...
  • RanSagyRanSagy Member Posts: 13
    edited January 2014
    @bob_veng: Not so much from all the adds - But Mellisan herself seems to always be able to harm me quickly enough. Haven't been able to duck her stuns either, for some odd reason.

    @bbear: No BMU, But i am buffing myself with scrolls and potions before, yeah. I can actually get a single spike trap set before her dialog initiates, that brings her to 'Injured'. Yeah, I have Carsomyr, but i don't hit very often with it. -4 THAC0 or so without Montolio's Cloak, Since i usually have the Cloak of Mirroring.

    @Skaffen: I thought Staff of the Magi is only for Mage Stronghold chars? Otherwise, Probably not.

    @kryptix: I have 2 scrolls of Wish and 2 of Limited Wish, i think.

    EDIT: Just for the record, i managed the first fight by cheesing out and doing the talk-then-attack trick. This got her to Injured quickly and i was able to use PFMW/Pierce Magic long enough to take her first battle down.

    The others were just taking off the mobs at each corner and spiking the spot she comes back; The Mariliths were annoying, but i managed just fine. I could probably do it without the cheese now, if i had more scrolls and such.. But eh, i'm done with illogically overpowered BG bosses.

    Thanks for everybody's help though.
    Post edited by RanSagy on
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    you probably can boost your thaco further by drinking potions of storm giant strength and power/heroism. You should exploit timestop+imprisonment/shapechange on elemental princes/fallen deva battles. I think the elemental prince and fallen deva are immune to imprisonment, but those underlings (including those 2 marliths) are not.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    The staff of magi you get at the twisted rune in the bridge ditrict when you teleport to the lich, beholder, vampire, ... battle if you carry a rogue stone. THE most abusable item in the game... :)
  • RanSagyRanSagy Member Posts: 13
    Ah, That battle. I don't think i even remembered about it although i ALWAYS remember that rogue stones, star sapphires and diamonds are NOT to be sold because they do.. something.

    A bit disappointed with the over-reliance on spells, but eh, you take what you get, i guess.

    Thanks again for the advice and help :)
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