What Is The Most APR You Have Achieved (w/o GWW)

Just curious what attack/per round count is attainable w/o GWW in a way that is sustainable for a decent amount of time... In otherwords, what is the most APR you have achieved in BG that has lasted longer than 20 seconds.
(Obviously meaning Clerical buffs and such are allowed)
(Obviously meaning Clerical buffs and such are allowed)
- 1 base
+ 1 for dual wielding
+ 1 for being level 13 fighter
+ 1 for having grand mastery in the weapon
+ 0,5 for gauntlets of extraordinary spec
+ 1 for using 1 speed weapon (belm, kundane, scarlet ninja to)
+ 1 for using a second speed weapon
That's a total of 6.5. However the games sets up a maximum number of base attack at 5 if i am not mistaken.
On top on that, you can use improve haste and reach 10 attack/round for rather long period.
For that reason i believe than critical strike is a better HLA than GWW.
To be noted than even non-fighter type can reach almost the same number of attacks using 2 speed weapons, and gauntlets to reach 4.5->9 attack/round (a blade for example can do that by himself, without the outside support of a mage)
Since you already pointed out that 6.5 attacks per round are lowered to 5, let's trade Belm/Kundane for some real weapon, shall we?
Any dual wielding fighter with 13+ levels and grandmastery in both weapon types is going to reach 5 (and, naturally, 10 after Improved Haste). Belms and Kundanes are for those who can give max ++ to a weapon.
Anyway, even at 4.5 base APR/round, you are right : it's better to use strong +5 weapons than speed/weapons
Quite sure. I don't usually play dual wielders but I have Yasraena mod installed and unless she has some special rules of dual wielding (which I doubt), then yes, this is the case.
Before 13 she has 9/2 attacks.
Unless my NPC mod removes offhand limitation for her? Someone who has one of the core chars could check it.
Or I have it all wrong and don't remember well. I think I still have a saved game with her before level 13. Will check after I get home after work.
Additionally, you only get 1 offhand attack ever.
So before 13 you get 1.5 base + 1 from grandmastery + 1 offhand = 3.5, but maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation you're talking about.
I have Saerileth, Yasraea, Varshoon, Rogue Rebalancing and NPC Flirt pack installed. None of them should have anything to do with APR.
The very bottom table. The easiest way to check is through THAC0 and damage bonuses since those also change. Shame that I'm not at home right now, I could check it in game.
Edit: Or for fighter/casters who don't care quite as much about APR because they can't use all their attacks most rounds anyway.
GWW is also better when you get dispelled.
If you've got 9/2 or 5 APR then this effectively gives you a whole bunch of GWWs.
Improved Haste is a pretty big deal anyway, quite an overpowered buff.
As for the other matter — IMHO it's worth to have few GWW's and few Critical Strikes as well. Also, Hardiness. I mean — unless you solo, there is hardly need to use more than 3-5 GWW per fight (most of them aren't that long), so basically it's a matter of choice what to take first.
With Keldorn, I start with GWW and take it until I have at least 3 of them at my disposal. Then Hardiness.
With dual wielder, I go for Critical or Hardiness first and then change them each level. I don't take GWW's, even if I don't get 10 APR.
Then again I take a few gww anyway in case I ever want to bust out the ravager... Or maybe a ranged weapon.