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Quick question about romance

Ok, so I have romance with Aerie and I hadn't had the talk for a long time now.

I checked the Keeper and there is my question:

1) As I understand it, parameter AERIEROMANCEACTIVE with value "1" means that the romance is active, right?
2) So, is the value next to AERIEROMANCE given in real time seconds? If yes, then something happened, because currently I have it 1169388 which would mean over 300 hours till next talk oO

Can someone confirm it? Thanks in advance :)


  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    edited January 2014
    1 means flirting, which can occur with multiple partners at the same time.

    2 means an established relationship, so other potential romances should end.

    3 means romance over, cos u picked a wrong choice or she got removed from the party. (Beware Petrification/Imprisonment!)

    Edit: Oh and that long number isn't related to time, as far as I am aware. It certainly doesn't mean the next romance conversation is in 300 hrs. I think @Twani told me that banters are supposed to be once per 45mins... so presumably that's the same for romance 'banters'.

    Did u happen to rush to Chapter 3? There is no romance content in Ch3-5... but usually u get through the early RomanceActive 1 stuff pretty quickly in Chapter 2, so I am surprised it's not Romanceactive 2 already if u've been playing for a fairly long time.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    I am still in chapter 2. I had lovetalk no. 27 (the one where she says she's had enough and I have to motivate her to go on). Now I'm waiting for the last one which should lead me to romanceactive 2.

    I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer then. Usually it was around 2 TV shows episodes between talks :P
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Also, there is no parameter called "Lovetalks" here. In another game, when I had romance with Neera, I had a parameter "Lovetalks" with a value (for instance, 27). Here there is none. Is this what's supposed to be with core NPCs?
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I'm not entirely sure... I don't see it for my game, just before beginning Chapter 3.


    But this is BG 2 Vanilla and Shadowkeeper, so it may have been changed for BG 2 EE.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    first make sure romance active is 1 or 2. if it is either then she is still in a relationship

    next are you in a dungeon? no talks in dungeons

    if they are ok try setting AERIEROMANCE to 1. this will mean she instantly has her next dialogue

    if that does nothing then maybe upload your save file so I can have a look? @childofbhaal599 me so I am notified
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Ok, I found her lovetalk value in affects via Keeper. Changed it to 27 (I had 29 there but I haven't had 27 in game - weird) and set romance value to 1. Worked like a charm :)
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    In the future, you can try the Clua Console command AdvanceRealTime (someone else will have to get you the actual code, because I'm stupid and forgetful). Unless the talk is triggered by something (like, you have to rest in a forest to see it), that should put up any lovetalks for any romances you have running, any friendship banters for friendships you have running, as well as one banter (and flirts, if your romance has those).

    If you're bugged, you're bugged, and you have to fix that in EE, but simple AdvanceRealTime can often get a lovetalk that seems to be taking forever to trigger to trigger.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Yes, apparently it was a bug since Aerie doesn't have lovetalk value 29. It goes straight from 27 to 35 and thus even setting the AERIEROMANCE parameter to 1 didn't trigger the conversation right away.

    I changed it to 27, had the conversation right away and then the parameter moved to 35 as it was supposed to.
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