Confused about content

I've been kicking around in here for a couple of weeks, just where does BG:EE end and BG2 begin? I keep seeing references to BG2 mods but it appears to be in reference to BG1 in BG:EE.... sooooo am I right in the following assumption, BG:EE is BG1 using BG2 code and fixes and mods that can be applied to the BG1 story? and all the BG2 story will be in BG2:EE ???
or is this like Baldur's gate Trilogy BG! and BG2 Shadows of Ahm?

BG2:EE will include BG2:SOA + TOB, will be released in 2013
I'm pretty sure that TrentOster has already mentioned that on his twitter.
Looked into it. The only thing I can find is this on Trent Oster's Twitter from July 27th:
"#bg2ee is going to be much easier thanks to all the preceding work on #bgee. We're not going to talk timelines for a while."
I suspect we could see BG2:EE before 2013 since all the hard work (the engine) is already done.
Tanthalas is right, Trent Oster said it in one of his tweets, a reliable source I would say ;-)
Dangit. Should have kept reading. I hate twitter....
I'll cross my fingers for January 1st. Hope the world doesn't end before then...
Additionally, I imagine modding forums are going to go absolutely berserk in the months following the game's release - who knows what they'll conjure up?