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EE Keeper question

I changed two proficiency stars on a character in BGEE at first level using EEKeeper. Will this character export/import normally to BG2EE?



  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    edited February 2014
    Yes... for a protagonist.

    Whatever changes you made to NPC companions will not carry on into the second game. For example if u gave Jaheira Wisdom boosting tomes. But if u gave a Str:19 Half-Orc a +1 Str Tome, then he'll begin BG 2 with Str:20, same applies for whatever changes u made with EEKeeper.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Unless that Half-Orc is Dorn :P
  • SorceromancerSorceromancer Member Posts: 4
    Thank you, 'twas CHARNAME that had her proficiencies shifted. I did not want to get all the way through BGEE and find it would not export properly to BG2EE because of minor EEkeeper work. Would be better just to restart...
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903
    Heindrich said:

    Whatever changes you made to NPC companions will not carry on into the second game. For example if u gave Jaheira Wisdom boosting tomes.

    Of course, you can use EEKeeper to make those changes to NPCs as well when you add them to your party in BG2EE.

    I plan to give Jaheira the Wisdom tomes in my current game of BGEE, and I'll just use EEKeeper at the beginning of BG2EE to reflect that. (Conversely, I used EEKeeper to give Jaheira her BG2EE Dexterity of 17 -- she really needs it!)
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