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Lost Equipment after NPC Death

This is driving me mad. On several occasions now, after Jan or Aerie has been killed, when they are resurrected, their inventory has vanished and I have to re-equip them. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    They should drop their gear on dying (just like enemies), so you should be able to loot their stuff and take it with you...
    Certain ways of dying (frost, disintegration, petrification, etc) may cause gear to be destroyed.
  • AliTBAliTB Member Posts: 2
    I thought that should be the case, but the loot just disappears. Not a problem with any of my other NPCs; I can pick their equipment up after resurrection. Only happens with Jan and Aerie.
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Perhaps they are being stingy? Or perhaps Jan is, you know, living up to his...umm...well..."Say, did I ever tell you that story about Uncle..." *swipe, swipe*

    Oh? What armor are you referring to, again?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The obligatory questions:

    - Are you using any mods on your installation?
    - Have you used a save editor to make changes to your party?
    - How are Aerie and Jan dying when you see this?
    - What equipment do they have before they die (and have you checked the inventory of the other characters to see if it transferred automatically)?
  • TaearTaear Member Posts: 90
    Weirdly I have noticed the opposite problem - when Viconia died she came back to life with a new item. And more heal spells memorised!
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