Quick help! Glaicas ran away! / De'Arnisse Keep

Hello friends, quick question about Glaicas in De'Arnisse Keep and Flail of Ages.
I was playing a multiplayer game and I'm not sure exactly how the dialog went since my friend was the one who did the interaction, but I think we somehow got Glaicas to run away. Questions:
1- When he runs away, did he just move somewhere else where he can still be found? Or did he disappear for good?
2- If we simply can't find him anymore, can we get the acid head after we kill TorGal? I heard it's not possible.
3- So what can we do about it? What is the CLUA Console for making him appear?
Thank you so much.
I was playing a multiplayer game and I'm not sure exactly how the dialog went since my friend was the one who did the interaction, but I think we somehow got Glaicas to run away. Questions:
1- When he runs away, did he just move somewhere else where he can still be found? Or did he disappear for good?
2- If we simply can't find him anymore, can we get the acid head after we kill TorGal? I heard it's not possible.
3- So what can we do about it? What is the CLUA Console for making him appear?
Thank you so much.
U can either kill him or charm him to acquire he flail head.