Anyone use clubs? Which ones are good and where do I find them?

I'm trying to try out some different weapons I don't normally use, namely clubs, halberds, spears and quarterstaves.
I know some good examples of the others, but I don't remember where/when you get any good clubs... or if any even exist.
Can someone help a brother out?
I know some good examples of the others, but I don't remember where/when you get any good clubs... or if any even exist.
Can someone help a brother out?
Blackblood +3 is found pretty quick, you can buy it in Trademeet after the Druid/Dao crisis is resolved. It gets +3 acid damage on top of its normal enchantment, so it's got solid damage (7-12), kills trolls, and hits through Stoneskin.
Before that, you can get Gnasher +2 which inflicts 8 damage over 4 rounds on a successful hit. It's on one of the Druids you fight in the grove, but you can accidentally skip the fight depending on whether you take Cernd in Trademeet and how you want to resolve the quest.
There's also the Club of Detonation +3 at the bottom of Watcher's Keep, which does good damage with a chance of causing a Fireball spell on hit. It can be upgraded to a +5 weapon by Cespenar.
However, if you want a bgII weapon panoramic and little spoilers look here:
No EE weapons, still...:(
EDIT: oh! In BGEE you can find the Club of the Night (or Night Club? (!) I can't recall...), a nice odd club which adds a +1 during night-time.
you should find it in a chest in Entar Silvershield Mansion's courtyard but there's also another one of it somewhere else...
@metalloman i'm good with spears and halberds, its the clubs i'm worried about.
I'm thinking of dual wielding a club with something else
(Pro-tip: this type of currency does *not* go down well IRL… learn from my fail)
My favourite is Blackblood +3: acid damage is really useful and when needed there's the Bone Club +2, +3 vs undeads with a chance of undead disruption, IIRC.
Just thought it needed mentioning for completeness sake
Certainly !
However in early BG2 games you'd better procure a +2 and +3 weapon to hit some undeads and vampires for instance.
This being said, I remember it was a real satisfaction to discover that the top enchanted weapons are not mandatory to face the latest SoA challenges (to say the least).
Between fire resist gear and cloack of mirrors and the belt from trademeet, you have all of your front line fairly safe from the fireballs and they clear up trash pretty well when your at 10 apr.
Well, in order to solve the druid quest you don't have to fight at all. And killing the genies isn't too hard (but killing Ithafeer can be). I don't remember which druid drops gnasher but both the druid gangs that you fight are pretty easily nuked also in SCS.
anyway this thread had his natural death 6 years ago, and you quoted and answered to a forums user that is not logging it since january 2015, nothing wrong, as afaik topic resurrection is not forbidden by the forum rules, but the next time you decide to resurrect a very old thread at least check the users profile to see if they are still with us to read you.
probably most of us, me included, when we read the old threads want to answer and give our take on the matter, but i usually refrain myself from doing it if i don't have a really important reason to bump the thread or to add a very crucial information that is missing, i simply was not there at the right time so i accept that fact and continue my browsing of the old threads.
Until you upgrade it in tob just fireproof yourself, if you completion it before the under dark you can actually immune fire cold electrical poison disease and can heal off fire very early.
So you can have a lot of fun with it.
Until then use black blood (finish trademeet) and grab gnasher (fight before taking on Faldorn) then ur wielding some serious hurt through soa with them. You can also grab the bone club when in the asylum to squish the undead with once you come out of there though I'd stay with black blood gnasher.... you dont really need +4 or 5 in tob, even the +6 kinda fail alot to hurt for some reason.