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Baldur's Gate Video Tutorials

HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
About six months ago, I arrived here as a total noober to Baldur's Gate and AD&D. In the months that followed I asked many noober questions, read many Tomes of Understanding and eventually battled my way from Candlekeep to the Throne of Bhaal.

Now I return to this hallowed part of the forum to present my Beginner's Guide, which looks to answer some of the questions I asked, and address many of the issues that leave totally new players like me 'buffleheaded'.

On a related note... I just discovered that there is actually an official video tutorial of sorts already available. It is a series of short videos that can be found in Baldur's Gate II: EE, from the "How to Play" menu. Although designed for BG II:EE, many of the game mechanics and principles explained also applies to BG:EE. So I certainly do urge beginners to check it out!

Baldur's Gate Beginner's Guide - Part 1 (Basic UI, Magic and other tips).

Baldur's Gate Beginner's Guide - Part 2 (Demonstration of merchants, combat and other features).

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