Tests in hell for tear of Bhaal change my alignment to chaotic evil even though i took the good path

This is majorly game breaking!! I always took the good path and when i placed the first tear in the door my alignment CHANGES TO CHAOTIC EVIL! dafuq? It even gave me the boni of the good path!! Anybody else having this problem? did i do something wrong without knowing it?
It is very easy to get confused in Hell's Tests.
I would hapilly turn my ranger cleric neutral evil, but alas, it does not work as it should. You cannot learn the unholy spells, exclusive to evil/neutral clerics, just by using the tears to become neutral evil yourself!
That said (and this is directed towards the OP) are you using any mods and what was the specific trial that did this?
I spent all of this time coming up with a highly detailed backstory about all of these evil things he did, it took me like an hour.
With a backstory like his, he should have been some level 10 or 20 fighter.
But he started at level 1, and, sadly, he died in his very first battle, and it was against an orc with a CR of 1 (it was 3rd edition).
I played another really evil character with this DM (he always wanted players to be evil), and I thought that a Drow cleric was going to be pretty sweet. But due to her race, she started at level 3 instead of level 5 like everyone else, and was an utter weakling.
She had to flee from her first battle, and I didn't bother using her past the first get-together.
I don't know where this is going, I guess I feel like being evil is hard to back up in p&p, since often the campaigns can make it hard to be a tyrant, unless you vastly outlevel your enemies, which is usually not as interesting, at least from the point of view of most players or DMs (from my experience anyways).
For that matter, it can be hard to be a hero sometimes too, since at any time, your character can get killed off if you make some bad choices, or at the very least get humiliated lol.
Of course, in my other posts, I'm just joking. Weird glitch/bug.
p.s. Speaking of trying to be a hero, I once had another player get angry at me for doing this. I guess he didn't like the idea of me stealing any of the spotlight. It all started when I randomly shot a lightning bolt at an enemy (it was actually in an encounter quite a bit like those ogres you meet at the bridge to the gnoll stronghold in BG1, but it wasn't D&D and would have been similar to like a surprise Super Kamehameha blast or something crazy). It was total overkill and quite flashy, which really bothered this other guy I was playing with.
I heard later on that several of the members of the group had a 'secret' meeting to see if they could take my character out. At the time, i was 6th level and the ones plotting were 9th level Barbarian and 10th level cleric. what fun.
So you started with the top left. That's Wraith Sarevok. You then did the genie, the selfishness trial, the fear trial, and finally the dragon? and you first noticed you getting an alignment change when exactly? (you initially said after your first trial and - which would be Wraith Sarevok - and now say it was you killing the dragon)
"Swords! Not words!"... Oh wait.