Casting spells in baldur's Gate 2
I'm kind of a noob to rpgs. I've only played Deus Ex and Kotor, but not BG2.
As I started playing, my character, which is a fighter/mage/thief, started out with a variety of spells. Through out the first 30 minutes I have been unable to cast my spells, though I did manage to get the other characters to cast theirs. I've only stopped at the part where I encounter the dwarves.
Whats wrong with m spells? Is it only on a different class? Will being a combination of three classes allow me to cast my powers. Is there something wrong with my game? Was there something I am supposed to do in the casting book?
By the way, this is the GOG version.
As I started playing, my character, which is a fighter/mage/thief, started out with a variety of spells. Through out the first 30 minutes I have been unable to cast my spells, though I did manage to get the other characters to cast theirs. I've only stopped at the part where I encounter the dwarves.
Whats wrong with m spells? Is it only on a different class? Will being a combination of three classes allow me to cast my powers. Is there something wrong with my game? Was there something I am supposed to do in the casting book?
By the way, this is the GOG version.
I made some a basic video tutorial specifically for brand new players, and I talk about magic in some detail, and demonstrate the use of arcane/priest spells, wands and scrolls in a battle.
I made the recording with BG: EE, but the same principles apply for BG 2 Vanilla.
Encase you didn't know, the BG 1 endgame save file transfer directly into the beginning of BG 2, and the plot is intrinsically linked. It would also allow you to learn the class abilities and magic system one step at a time.
Heindrich: I'll look into it.
You are in for a real treat, then! It is like "discovering" a good book series, for example.
You are going to be plunged amazing adventure. I envy you.
No worries, this game isn't the most intuitive or beginner friendly if you haven't played AD&D before or other Infinity Engine games.
It took me 15 ingame days in my first playthrough to realise that you can scribe scrolls by right-clicking on them.
And I agree with the above sentiment. You can never reclaim the innocence of a first blind playthrough, so avoid online walkthroughs and ask plenty of questions if you get stuck (I have dozens of threads in the New Players section from last year). The community is always happy to help new players.