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What heavies do you wear?

I am quite torn between using one of the many superb heavy armors in SoA (Red Dragon Scale/Armor of the Heart/Gorgon Plate) and using simple Full Plate with ring/cloak/amulet +2. What do you choose?

The new silver armor from Dorn's quest is out of the question for me :)


  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    I would use any of the special superb heavy armors if only because they're so COOL looking!

    I mean, c'mon, who doesn't wanna walk around wearing the skin of a red dragon?
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2014
    Play with the items upgrade mod. You'll love it, I can tell!

    I always roll with the armour-made-from-something. In the D&D universe it's considered perfectly acceptable to display the mutilated remains of your vanquashed foes. I do it like a badass Bhallspawn. Ankheg Plate round 1, Dragon Scales round 2.

    edit: How could I forget the Human Flesh!
  • WebShamanWebShaman Member Posts: 490
    Yeah...the God of Murder, encased in Human Flesh!

    I mean...priceless, right? Buffalo Bill says hello!
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    I usually stick with the plain Full Plate and a +2 protection item. Given you can now get a ring, cloak and amulet it's a good choice. Having excellent saves can make a big difference, however boring it may be.
  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    I think class plays a part here... for instance a berserker can make himself immune to pretty much all the savables anyway, so the extra resistances or similar probably become more useful than the items of protection...

    Personally, I typically use the flavoured armours... for no better reason than that I think they're awesome!
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