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Two Hexxat's in TOB Exploit

VasculioVasculio Member Posts: 483
photo Baldr002.png

One Hexxats can be spotted in the inn of Belthazor's Town. The other can be summoned from the Pocket Plane.

So it got me thinking... can you have TWO? Hexxats? So I used my pocket plane ability in the room where Hexxat was located before talking to her. I use the spirit of the plane to summon Hexxat to me. When I got back to the inn where the other one was. She vanish when I came too. So I decide to reload the game and when I teleported back to the inn the second time with the other Hexxat in the group. I paused the game and clicked on the Hexxat in the inn to trigger her conversation. And believe it or not I was able to add her too. So now I have TWO Hexxats. Maybe I should mod one of my Hexxats into Clara? Hmm...
Post edited by Vasculio on


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