Where do Xzar&Montaron/Khald&Jaheira go when you kick them out of the party? (Solved)

Hi everyone!
This is my first post here, I have a question that is in the title of this discussion... where do they go? The reason I need to find them is...
*minor spoiler alert*
... I've lost Merianne's letter. Yeah, I managed to loose it. I found it before exploring Beregost and getting the quest from Merianne, and when I finally got to her, she told me her husband's missing, I ended the dialogue and talked to her again, but nothing happened. I checked my inventory, noone has the letter. I've checked with every shopkeeper, inkeeper that I've sold items to, and I've checked Xan who I kicked out for Neera... I'm pretty sure one of those 4 guys was left with the letter by accident, and I really would like to find them.
This is my first post here, I have a question that is in the title of this discussion... where do they go? The reason I need to find them is...
*minor spoiler alert*
... I've lost Merianne's letter. Yeah, I managed to loose it. I found it before exploring Beregost and getting the quest from Merianne, and when I finally got to her, she told me her husband's missing, I ended the dialogue and talked to her again, but nothing happened. I checked my inventory, noone has the letter. I've checked with every shopkeeper, inkeeper that I've sold items to, and I've checked Xan who I kicked out for Neera... I'm pretty sure one of those 4 guys was left with the letter by accident, and I really would like to find them.
Post edited by Heindrich on
Found this out the hard way as I usually make my "base" at the Friendly Arm and once dropped K & J there to pick up some other NPCs for a bit. Both just up and left forever with all of their equipment and I was very near the end of the game...
I'm unsure if it's the same in the EE version however.
EDIT: Okay, looks like they won't just up and disappear in the EE, unless you haven't had them in the party. That's good.
I've never played BG before, I got Icewind Dale for Christmas 13 years ago, and I installed it a week ago to finally finish it (I was a kid at the time I got it). Then I saw Baldur's Gate and bought that too, so I really don't know how long the game is in terms of chapters.
I don't actually mind not finishing every quest in this run, since this is my first time playing the game, and I do it by the feel, I'll do a good and a bad campaign later, but not being able to find two of the most important (since Gorion send us to meet them) characters of the game if I ditch them before a certain part of the game just seems kinda stupid.
Edit: Khalid had the letter, so as far as I'm concerned, this topic is closed. However, seeing that I found characters that should be gone, maybe this can stay and admins/mods can rename it appropriatelly
Essentially Jaheira and Khalid stayed in place because you told them to, they are not supposed to be gone forever. But because you happened to have left them in an area that randomly spawns, you wouldn't normally run into them again unless you repeatedly travelled between the two areas to try to spawn a 'You have been waylaid and must defend yourself' event.
I will just add a solved tag to the title.
The BG:EE characters already have this function. (They go to the Friendly Arm Inn). I am not sure if a feature request has been submitted for the other characters or if there might be technical or other difficulties in implementing this for all the original characters.
This is of course standard for BG 2, where you can tell all characters to stay put, or go to their regular place.