Weapons ineffective against Dragmir The Red.
Member Posts: 45
I am currently doing Hexxats Tomb quest, but when I go to Fight Dragmir. It seems everytime I hit it says the Weapon is Ineffective or He is Imune. Why is this? And am I still doing damage to him? Also is thier anyway to see what hitpoints he has left?
As for hp if you hover over him (preferably while paused) you should see his status (uninjured, near death, ect...)
I think there is a +2 dagger in the tomb if you are short of +2 weapons
You will need +2 weapons to hit. 3rd level mage spell Melfs Minute Meteors is awesome, it can hit any enemy in the game.
If you can't beat him I recommend you go back to the Copper Coronet and do the slaver quest there: this way you get a great shortbow, a 2 handed sword +3 which will protect against dire charm and you can buy some new gear from the barkeeper, among it the best anti undead weapon for a good aligned warrior for very little money.
All I did was grabbed the 1h sword from the graveyard district (Namarra +2), and cast Protection from Undead on charname. He waltzed in by himself and smashed Dragomir while he just wandered around unable to "see" charname.