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Hexxat has lost her super powers. wtf?

yeah she lost children of the night and blood drain, this is not fair i want' em back. I also had trouble with the cascque getting stuck in CHARNAMES inventory, brought by other problems with the resurrection from gas form. maybe it is related to that? please help me


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Unfortunately it seems like she's full of bugs.

    Are you running any mods?
  • Stasis_SwordStasis_Sword Member Posts: 91
    Yeah this bug is far too simple to reproduce:
    1). Finish first Hexxat quest
    2). Meet her at the copper and leave with her.
    3). Remove her from your party

    Did you ever get the casque back to her?
  • RuscoeRuscoe Member Posts: 126
    yeah I managed to get her casque back to her hoping that it would work but nope, still no super cool vampire abilities. GONE. is there really no work around? @Stasis_Sword I am not running any mods @Elminster
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