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Just beat Black Pits 2. Thoughts on the ending (Major spoilers)

I have to say I'm a bit underwhelmed by the ending. There was no real conclusion. No feeling of satisfaction, and worse yet I didn't get to tell Baeloth that yes, I knew it was you the whole time it was incredibly obvious.

That being said, I do hope they continue the story...Somewhat. With how powerful the characters are now I'm not entirely sure where I can go from here. I mean, whats next? Punching gods in the dick and punching the greatest demons of hell in the also dick?

I do want it to continue, I'm just confused how it will. Levels already seem rather pointless, all I get is some bonus lore and minor bonus to HP. This makes me worry that in order to be a challenge any possible sequel will require a truly cheesed out party that uses a horrible amount of exploits and power gaming so that someone like me, who had to try the elemental master wizard at least 10 times before realizing time stop+3 dragon breaths were my friend, will find it near impossible.

I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts on the ending. Personally, I'm honestly okay with nearly everything but the fact that I didn't get to tell Baeloth that he wasn't fooling anyone,.


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    I am curious if there was a way to uncover Baeloth's disguise. There are many little quests in BP2 and you don't need to finish them all to finish the game, though some sheds light on some things about other npcs. I am satisfied with the diversity and grandness of the whole, though.

    (btw, just spellstrike+breach the elemental master wizard and kill him with ranged attacks ASAP)
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Chain Contingency with 3 horrid wiltings at sight of enemy will take him out before the battle really starts.

    As will traps put in the previous fight in that arena.

    If you are fast you can hit him with poisoned arrows before his defenses go up, he's toast afterwards.

    As for the story, I enjoyed the side quests (even if some are clearly not implemented completely yet, e.g. the wings you find) but you are right, I akso expected a more satisfying ending.
  • NecomancerNecomancer Member Posts: 622
    @Lunar I tried that with mixed results. In the end I found out it was easiest just to stop time and hit him with three dragon's breaths. I also found that for some reason that wild mage NPC you can have join you was my good luck charm. Whenever I had him with me I won more.
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