Bug? Keno + monks go hostile

Possible spoilers.
I'm doing Hexxat's questline where I have to go into Shuo Long (sp?)'s tomb. Run into the ghostly monks, I say I'll help them.
Trouble is, the moment *any* one of them dies for any particular reason, every other monk goes red. Is this intentional? How is this preventable? As soon as a party member walks through the door, all the monks beeline right towards the mind flayers at the other end of the Crypt of the Scholars. Invariably one of them will either get a) Dire Charmed, b) stunned/killed. Surely this has to have been tested, right?
I'm doing Hexxat's questline where I have to go into Shuo Long (sp?)'s tomb. Run into the ghostly monks, I say I'll help them.
Trouble is, the moment *any* one of them dies for any particular reason, every other monk goes red. Is this intentional? How is this preventable? As soon as a party member walks through the door, all the monks beeline right towards the mind flayers at the other end of the Crypt of the Scholars. Invariably one of them will either get a) Dire Charmed, b) stunned/killed. Surely this has to have been tested, right?
This isn't the only situation. NPC and summons could've been smarter in this regard; I, for instance, can't get around the fact that I can't send Fire Elementals to area where I have cast Fire Storm. Or can't send a fireball after them, when they engage the enemy. Apparently being immune to fire isn't enough for them not to turn hostile.