Boo's NPC Polls Part 1: Who's your most Beloved Bard

Gonna make some polls on NPCs by class and race. Starting with Bards!
Please give your choice and maybe a little explanation if you would like
Gonna make some polls on NPCs by class and race. Starting with Bards!
Please give your choice and maybe a little explanation if you would like
- Boo's NPC Polls Part 1: Who's your most Beloved Bard105 votes
- Garrick (His music has charms to soothe my savage breasts)22.86%
- Haer'Dalis (He makes me readier than a red-cheeked maiden, my friend!)49.52%
- Eldoth (Only shallow people don't judge him by appearance)15.24%
- Just show me the results (this option does NOT mean "all of the above")12.38%
Haer'Dalis is my favorite. Also, he is a very powergamable character.
My head canon nickname for him is "Boytoy", and that's what I call him when I play the game with him.
I am also forever defending him against constant accusations regarding his competency as an adventurer. I always give him bow proficiency as soon as he hits level 6, lots and lots of magic arrows, and lots and lots of wands, and he does a good job. His ability to identify items is also quite useful, freeing up other party spell slots for offense and defense. Since he outlevels all mages throughout the game, he's also quite good at casting any and all scaling spells, and he does it better than the mages, despite that cute little "dumb blonde" routine he likes to put on.
Eldoth is a close runner up, because I like scruffy-looking nerf-herders, despite my better judgment. I just don't like that he is available to join so late in the game, and that he is tied to Skie.
I had some examples on another post, I'll maybe find them and copy/paste
edit: found them!
"Music has charms to soothe the savage breast. ...oh, hi there Shar-Teel
Xan: "Garrick?" "Yes.... siirrr" "Life is so hollow" "Life... is glorious!" "sigh...we're all doomed"
With Edwin:
"I am at your service"
"Foolish bard! Again you disturb me! What is it now?"
"Make short the miles with talk and smiles
"You are sooooo irritating!"
"With joy sir"
"One day.... one day..."
that makes WAY too much sense.
I believe I have a new found respect for Garrick
I actually like him more for his minor parts in BG2 then in bg1
Doubly so as he is bisexual, as evidenced in the underdark.
Me? I personally don't hold any love for his debauchery and lechery, and would much rather have had a man like Rasaad consorting with me. That is, if I wasn't so dazed by Viconia's charm, which wins me every time, regardless of what I intended to do originally.
A link displayed
And jumps were made,
Conclusion: SPAMBOT!
All around!
The moderator battle cry
Rang across the wall of Boo
Hammers hefted
Barrel chested
Their aim was aught but true
For hamsters are not automated
They are merely complicated
Ser Eyewin Gazed
Whilst CrevsDaak Mazed
All hope was surely lost
A sneak attack!
O woe, alack!
Publicity, but at what cost?
And though they raged,
In truth were caged
The heroes caught off guard
Boo hid and squeaked
And thousands shrieked
Then stumbled in a bard
Or so he said…
How long he took!
Is he writing a book?
Off, they cried, with his head!
Well, I suppose Haer'Dalis is the next best thing.
Secondly, he does not call me his raven.
plus he doesn't run off with your bird.
And in the end, my heart goes where the romance mods are.
Besides, I like listening to him talk. He's rather poetic, and he can be surprisingly sweet and then surprisingly clever.
Besides playing as Actual-Eldoth in both BG1 and BG2, I also think he's the best representation of the bard class. He's a truly charming (not neccessarily lovable) rogue. His backstory and quest show he uses his charisma to get by, which the other bards don't. Garrick uses his poetry and music, so he gets a pass - but Haer'Dalis is just talking the bard talk, not walking the bard walk.