What is your favorite mage class for protagonist, and why?
I want to know, if you create an arcane spellcaster for main character, what class or combination of classes you give to it! Also, please give out some more details, as to what race you choose (and why), at what level you dual (and why it is a good idea to choose that level), and so on!
- What is your favorite mage class for protagonist, and why?124 votes
- Mage (only mage)  5.65%
- Specialist (school)15.32%
- Wild mage14.52%
- Fighter/Mage (multi)18.55%
- Thief/Mage (multi)  6.45%
- Fighter > Mage (dual, and which kit)  8.06%
- Thief > Mage (dual, and which kit)  1.61%
- Cleric/Mage (multi half elf)  8.87%
- Cleric > Mage (dual, which kit, what level)  0.81%
- Other (please specify and explain)20.16%
A smaller spell selection works just fine for me and being able to use whichever spell fits the situation is great. It also makes level drain much less annoying (up until the point you get Amulet of Power and it ceases to be an issue anyway) and there's no need to lug Potions of Genius around to learn more spells. Also saves me tons of scroll money.
I choose human because, well, I'm human, elves are tree-hugging pansies and half-elves use the elf model. I suppose I could use EE Keeper to change the latter but it's much more convenient just picking human.
After playing them in NWN 1 and 2, I made one in the Enhanced Editions too. I'm surprised it wasn't an option here
They might cause problem in battle, well, I can say that Swashbuckler->Mage is very powerful too, maybe in ToB it doesn't make a difference but it is a very good combo in BG1 and in SoA.
Bard because in BG1, the jester song is just way too much fun, and I like playing a utility character. I often play (kitted) thieves, too. As a bard, I can try out many weapons that mages can't use, so it's very versatile. Even more so on higher levels with Use Any Item. I also like the flavor of the class; it makes sense for charname. Someone who grew up in a library knows many tales and legends, picked up a few skills from a guard here, a few spells from a mage there and turns out to be a jack of all trades with high lore.
Sorcerer for Black Pits, to save gold for scrolls.
The power to prevent you friends from fading away is ... addictive.
And the wisdom to wish is nice.
Combos and it get`s real crazy.
-> Wondrous Recall worked on Archane the last time i tested.
My other favorite renditions are the sorcerer and mage/cleric.
If I had not picked the fighter-mage, i'd have voted the sorceror.
Third option would be likely cleric-mage.
Fun class to play.
Not the most 'powerful' option, but the one I think makes the most RP sense, having been Gorion's ward and all (and certainly not a 'weak' option).
I like the mage/thief (either multi- or dual-), and the mage/fighter (multi-class) options as well. Wild mages are fun, but a tad too unpredictable for my tastes.
I dislike sorcerers, as I don't think they make any sense (they know spells 'innately', yet those spells exactly resemble mage spells; and they somehow can use scrolls too, despite not 'learning' magic, and all the same magic items…). Sure they're powerful, but … bleah.
Even Fighter/Mage -- can't do it, it feels wrong somehow. Probably because it's like; armor, no armor?! augh!!
Personally I like the "less studying, more pew pew" mentality to a certain degree and roleplay that by not picking "named" spells (Melf's, Otiluke's, Larloch's etc.) as I imagine those are especially studious ones but also due to the idea that when you're casting spells you're casting them your way. I have trouble imagining that there's only one way to cast evocation, enchantment and illusion spells in particular though I agree it makes sense that say conjuration spells, which pulls spesific creatures from spesific planes, requires a bit of study. Not being able to yank a fire elemental from the fire plane and dominate its mind by pure knowhow shouldn't exclude the ability of forming a blob of fire and sending that on its merry way into a crowd though.