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TOB fighter choice? *spoilers*

I'm about to start TOB with my totally badass EVIL party:

- Zavulon (mage)
- Dorn
- Korgan
- Viconia
- Hexxat
- Edwin

I really want Sarevok in this party, but whom do I kick out?!

- Dorn is a badass with awesome abilities, plus I don't want to miss out on new EE content
- Korgan is a complete killing machine, I have him dual-wield Crom Fayer and a +3 axe, with Grandmastery in both. I've been kind of cheesing and putting slots into hammer in BG2 from day 1, hoping to one day maybe find a good one :)
- Viconia is romantic interest
- Hexxat is only thief, and it's annoying to cast knock/force open every chest/tank all traps. Plus, I also don't want to miss out on new EE content for her either
- Edwin seems the most likely candidate, but I'd really rather have 2 mages and 2 fighters, 3 fighters would be boring

It seems like I could kick out either Korgan or Edwin for Sarevok, but I don't really want to do either.. should I do that at all? Is Sarevok worth it? Any opinions?


  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    smart evil (sarevok) >>>>>> stupid evil (dorn)
    if you want not to miss EE content for dorn just stroll around for a while with him when you leave saradush...
    'since you are romancing viconia you might just have to keep them both anyway'
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    you could kick out Edwin and dual class sarevok into a mage if you still want 2 mages
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    As killer fun as the Sarevok dual is, it's a painful process gaining mage levels enough to get back his fighter skills.
    It typically comes down to Dorn or Korgan - personally I'd drop Dorn, but you would be missing his ToB content.
    Having said all of that, your Charname is a Mage, so if you dual your brother, it's not like you'll be running around with a gimped primary caster.
    And goodness, he is an absolute beast when he gets his Fighter levels again. Unstoppable.
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