Who is your favorite Black Pits 2 NPC/Gladiator?

I really like all of the gladiators you can hire/team up with in Black Pits 2 and some would make really great mod NPCs for BG, too. I'm adding the joinable ones I'm aware of to the poll. Not sure if the dwarf, halfling and drow can/will join under some circumstances. Also not sure about some classes, because some of them die before I can find out. Please enlighten me.
- Who is your favorite Black Pits 2 NPC/Gladiator?32 votes
- Voghiln The Vast (Bard/Skald?)  6.25%
- Gerrold Darkfellow (Wild Mage)  0.00%
- Brother Ellraish (Assassin posing as Priest of Lathander)21.88%
- Dulf Ebonbeard (Senile Mage/kit?)  3.13%
- Mercy Whitedove (Monk?)  3.13%
- Hort Il-D'rth (Barbarian)  0.00%
- Timmoth Goodtree (Paladin of Tempus)  6.25%
- Lea Gosh'Aar (delusional... ranger?)12.50%
- someone else12.50%
Post edited by KidCarnival on
Mercy Whitedove is a Paladin/Fighter (she's wearing armor).
I mix up Lea and Mercy in the arena a lot. I remember one of them had a fireshield at some point, which I assumed to be a Sun Soul Monk ability. What is Lea anyway? Ranger?
Brother Ellraish is said to be a bard with great wisdom (according to Dennaton at the feast), Voghiln is said to be a warrior at the opening meal, but I can't say what they do in the arena since I didn't play more than Tier One.
Voghiln looks and talks like a fighter, in the arena, he sings or goes to melee. Might be a blade?
I'm not sure what Mercy does; she's something-divine. I assumed a cleric, but she had a bladed weapon and - if I'm right - a fire shield. Might be a monk with a custom kit that is similar to SSM from abilities and altered for a different deity. Her armor/sprite doesn't say much, considering Voghiln isn't a fighter either.
I figured Lea is either a ranger or a druid due to her obsession with "Jinga". My guess would be ranger because she also instantly accuses you of being "evil", and a druid would probably not mention that. Of course, she's insane, so who knows. Maybe she's an Avenger, but I haven't seen her cast arcane spells. I accidentally took her to the demon/fiend battle, and she was instantly hit with a Cloudkill or something, so I haven't seen her in action. She just survived surprisingly long in the cloud, but that doesn't say anything about class.
Then you have Lea Gosh'Aar. Honestly, I think they tried a bit too hard with this character and her voice sort of ruins it as well. The sudden deepness in it makes it sound like someone trying to be funny and failing. If they had kept it light and even somewhat whimsical she would have came across as manic rather then that kid you knew in grade school who would shout FART out loud in class and make everyone laugh but didn't stop doing so until it became annoying and everyone hated him.
Essentially what I'm trying to say is more silly yet believable humor and less MUFFINS in any future content, please.
I mixed that up with Lea again, who doesn't wear a helm and has a katana or scimitar. Pretty sure she's also the one who had the fire shield, so I guess monk here now.
Mercy Whitedove is showing as a level 32 FIghter (LN)
Brother Ellraish is a level 37 Assassin (NE)
Voghiln the Vast is indeed a Skald, level 37 (NG)
Hort Il-D'rth is a level 32 Barbarian (CE)
Feldrak Feldrak'i is a level 20/23 FIghter/Thief (CE)
Lea Gosh'Aar is a level 20/18 Fighter/Mage (CN)
Gezzthemin is a level 26 Enchanter (LE)
Dulf Ebonbeard is a level 26 Conjurer (CG)
Timmoth Godtree is a dual classed level 9 Berserker/ Level 33 Cleric (TN)
Gerrold Darkfellow is level 26 Wild Mage (TN)
I don't know if the levels vary or not depending on the PC party level, but this is what they show as in my current game (about half-way through).
My current favorite is Gezzthemin, but Ellraish is a close second. They're both so over the top that I can't help but chuckle.
Can Feldrak Feldrak'i and Gezzthemin normally join or just ctrl-Q'ing? They talk to me, but repeat the same lines every time, with no option to ask them to join the battle. Same for the dwarf in the training area/by the animal cages.
the mad girl was quite amusing though
I don't know for sure what triggered Gezzthemin's "join me in the arena" dialogue. I thought it was my party level, but I can't say for sure. I was pretty eager to get him to join up so I took every opportunity to get him. He does not disappoint, that's for sure.
Edit: BTW, in case anyone tries it, CTRL+Q doesn't allow you to keep your ill-gotten allies. The game will try to force you to reform your party almost immediately. I had about a second or two in which to pause the game so that I could examine the character information screens. The game went back to forcing me to reform the party right after I unpaused, and when I removed the NPCs, they took off to parts unknown. If you want to try this for yourself I would recommend saving before hand just in case.
@element: I found the 2 mages I got to join useful; they easily survived. I had the wild mage in the battle against the Five/Raveger, and he did pretty well. Voghiln is good, too. It's boring and tedious to play a skald who is most useful when he sings, and he does it automatically and moves around near the frontliners. I assumed Timmoth was an actual paladin and took him to undead fights, thinking he'd start turning them. He didn't, but he frontlines pretty well and sometimes heals injured allies. Brother Ellraish got a bit screwed because I had him first in the golem battle, where he was quite useless. In any other fight, an assassin to take out the casters is probably not a bad thing.
Mercy and Lea died relatively early or got caught up in a bunch of melee enemies, so I haven't seen how useful they are when they aren't interrupted doing whatever it is they do. Hort is as good as you'd expect from a half-orc barbarian. In other words, Timmoth is better, but if you're short on frontliners, he's ok.
I currently try some mods and have a not-really-optimal party... lead by "Obligatory Paladin" as only real frontliner, with a cleric and a druid to try "Spontanous Casting" (so they cast mostly), a bard who mostly sings (Doomsinger), and a sorcerer and a necromancer to test the updated Style for Mages stuff. The fighter NPCs definitely help, if only as meatshields for the casters.
I haven't had any luck with Feldrak and Symm Haximus (who I left off my earlier list and is a level 32 LN Dwarven Defender) I think I chose some bad dialogue options with Feldrak, and I'm not still not 100% sure if you can even get him and Symm at all. I assume that you can because every other NPC gladiator will sign on at some point.
I haven't gotten past the fight with the ulitharid and the mind flayers though, so maybe they change their tune at a higher tier.
It would be strange though if these two just stand around and can't be hired.
Do the hiring fees depend on tier or charisma? Half of them lowered their fee to 1000 or 500 the second time I asked, and some came for free (Brother Ellraish and Voghiln), but I don't remember which party/leader I asked with.
Here's what's been bothering me though *spoiler
Sorry I'd like to help you out, but I can't remember and my laptop motherboard crashed so I can't check my saves. But I'm almost sure it was very straightforward and was early on; if I recall correctly, he was the easiest to hire. Are you sure you didn't hire another gladiator?